


Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed a hold of my chest and just breathed. I didn’t even know what was happening to me right now. Was I having a panic attack? The only thing I did know, was that every time that man somehow got under my skin, I found it hard to take even the smallest of breaths around him.

Moving to the sink, I turned on the cold water and grabbed a paper towel to dampen. Dabbing my face and the back of my neck, I started to come back into myself and calm down. I had to get a grip on the situation and stop showing him how he affected me. I couldn’t help but to think about that woman he was talking with. She was beyond beautiful. I didn’t think I had ever felt that insignificant around another woman before in my life. But she moved so gracefully, talked with such class, and most importantly handled my devil with extreme ease that it had left me envious of her. The problem was, I didn’t know if I was envious of her... or if it was jealousy, just like the devil had accused me of.

Throwing the paper towel away, I patted my hair in place and checked my lipstick before grabbing my clutch off of the counter, heading out the door.

The moment I stepped out, I was grabbed up and pulled down a dark hallway, before being forcefully shoved up against the wall by a hand that was now wrapped tightly around my throat. Everything had happened so fast, it took me a moment to realize who my accoster was.

It was the devil himself, of course.

He leaned in and grazed his nose along my neck, breathing me in like a beast who was savoring its prey before taking the first bite. I was so focused on his hot breath, whispering over my neck that it took me a second to even realize his hand was moving up the inside of my thigh. “W-what are you doing?”

His hand halted for a moment before continuing upward, missing the one area I didn’twantto want him to touch me in. His hand continued on its path up over my hip, pulling me into him so tightly, I could feel his bulge against my stomach. “I could do anything I want to you right now and no one here would stop me.” He breathed out another hot breath over the sensitive skin on my neck. “Not even you.”

“I...” The moment I uttered a word, he cut it off, placing kisses over my neck, causing every cell inside my body to light up and want to give into the idea of being with this man.

No matter who I thought he was.

“I think you want me to make you come right now, Clarice. I think you want me to make you comeso fucking hard,you’ll forget all about the protests to your real feelings you hold hostage in that head of yours about me.”

The things he was making me feel right now were too confusing. My emotions were so all over the place, it was like they were running a marathon. I just needed a minute to clear my head and collect my thoughts about what I really wanted, but he wasn’t letting up. He just kept bombarding my senses with his smell, his lips, his hands. “I-I can’t”

Growling in my ear, his grip tightened around my neck. “You can.”

My resistance to him was melting fast, I knew it, and so did he when my body rocked into him. My hand reached up to grip his jacket, in an attempt to ground myself. Suddenly, a door I hadn’t known was beside me, flung open and I was pulled inside before it slammed shut behind me.

Now we were utterly alone. No one would come to my rescue.

The thought had barely registered before he was on me again, kissing my neck, taunting my need to resist him. Then suddenly everything came to a screeching halt, and I was left falling back to reality with no parachute to save me from the impact. “I’m sorry.” He pulled away from me and crossed the room to a bar cart, pouring himself a drink, while I surveyed my surroundings, trying to gather my baring’s. Realizing we were in an office; my attention was brought back to him when he spoke again. “I shouldn’t have done that...” He paused, taking a swig of his drink. “I just find that when I’m around you, Clarice, I don’t seem to be able to control myself. I want you, and I think you want me. But I will not force myself on you.” Downing the last of his drink, he set the glass down and walked back over, opening the door. “We’d better get back to the party.”

I didn’t quite understand what had just happened here. One moment I was being attacked, the next I was seconds from giving in to his devilish ministrations, and now I was being doused with a bucket of ice water. I was more confused by my emotions right now than I could ever recall being in any situation. This man had my head spinning, and I was getting dizzy. The craziest part about this whole experience was that I didn’t think even he knew why he stopped.

Neither one of us uttered a word to one another on our way back to the table, and very few were passed between us the rest of the evening. He had acted almost as if he had barely known me. Not that it wasn’t the truth. We didn’t know one another, but the whole situation had went from mock ten to a dead calm in the span of only a few moments, leaving me unnerved. When the evening ended, he walked me out the front door and put me in his car without even so much as a goodbye.

Why did that bother me so much? And an even bigger question, why did it bother me when I saw Natasha approach him on the sidewalk just as my car was pulling away?

As the driver traveled to my home, I started to become so angry about everything that had happened tonight, and by the time the car pulled up to my house, I was fuming, and I didn’t even know why. There was no way I could want a man like him to want me, right?

After what had taken place in that back office tonight, I wasn’t so confident in my answer to that question anymore.

When the driver got out and opened my door, it hit me. I still had the rest of the devil’s money; I had intended to give back to him tonight from the dress I’d purchased. Reaching into my clutch, I pulled the money out just before the driver reached inside to help me out of the car. He tipped his head to me. “Have a nice evening, ma’am.”

“Actually, I have something for you to give Mr. Lennox.” When he looked at me in question, I took a hold of his hand and placed the money in it, then began to walk away when an idea struck me. “Wait. One more thing.” Throwing my clutch down onto the sidewalk, I reached for the zipper before grabbing the bottom of my dress, ripping it up over my head, leaving me in only my bra and panties. Balling the dress up, I walked back over to where the wide-eyed driver stood frozen and dropped it into his hands along with the money. “Tell him he can have this back too. He paid for the damn thing after all.” Turning on my heel, I reached down and snatched up my clutch before marching my freezing ass into the house, slamming the door behind me.

Take that, asshole!

I was thankful that Scarlett wasn’t home when I walked in, knowing that she was probably out with Kieran again. That would have been one hell of a long explanation about how I came to be in only my bra and panties after I had told her that I had no intention of sleeping with him tonight.

Feeling like I needed to get the rest of his smell off of me, I headed straight for my bathroom to take a shower. After I’d finished up, I got dressed in my favorite pj’s and went into the kitchen, grabbed a pint of my favorite ice cream, mint chocolate with cookies and cream, then back to my bedroom, shutting the door. I had gotten a new book delivered yesterday, and now was the perfect time for it. I really needed to read about some men’s asses getting kicked by my favorite badass, Cassidy Crawford. That and it was time to get back to myreallife since I was pretty sure after tonight there would be no more visits from the devil. I was positive that he was cozied up with that blonde goddess, Natasha, right now anyway.

Stop! Just stop! I didn’t care what he was doing... or who.