Fidgeting with my hands, trying to grab my bag for the night, I dropped it on the floor, picking it up again. “Y-yes, I was just getting everything I need.”

I could see the concerned look on her face. “You’re sure that you’re ok with going out with him?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

She rubbed her hand on my shoulder in a soothing motion. “Ok, good. Don’t be nervous, he’s going to love this dress on you. His mouth is going to hit the floor so hard when he sees you, he’ll spend the rest of the night trying to pick it back up.”

Reaching out, I pulled her in for a hug. “Thank you. Love you.”

“Love you more. Now get on out there before he thinks you’ve stood him up.”

Nodding my head, I forced my feet to walk to the front door. The moment I rounded the corner and spotted the devil at the door, waiting for me, it wasmymouth that fell open at the sight of him. I didn’t think it was possible for this man to get any hotter, but he somehow managed to pull it off.

As I got closer, he stepped into me. “You look,” he started, looking my body up and down as if he was searing it to his memory. “Absolutely stunning. I’ll be the envy of every man there tonight with you on my arm.”

I didn’t quite know what to make of his complementary words, seeing as everything that came out of his mouth had been a threat since I’d met him. “Thank you. Shall we go?”

“Absolutely.” He smiled down at me like a hungry tiger, ready to play with its prey.

“Now don’t you two do anything I wouldn’t do,” Scarlett called out as we left, embarrassing me.

“Well, that doesn’t leave a whole lot off of the table for tonight then.” Creed winked at her. “You forget I know Kieran.”

When I looked back at Scarlett, her face was beet red. We would be having a discussion about this later, that was for sure.

The moment he placed his hand on my lower back and guided me towards the car waiting for us, I could feel myself stiffen in his hold, and so could he. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on fucking you tonight,” he breathed into my ear, sending chills down my spine. His words and touch mixed with the smell of sandalwood he wore was doing something to me. I desperately wanted to act on it but then I remembered the reality of our situation and brushed it off.

Removing his hand from my back, I turned around and faced off with him. “Let’s be clear on something. I amonlydoing this because you are threatening my friends life and that is it. There will be nofuckingtonight, or any other night for that matter. I find you repulsive at best, Devil.” Turning on my heel, I continued to make my way over to the car, where his driver held the door open for me, then slid inside.




Fire. This woman wasfire and I wanted to get burned. No, Ineededto get burned. The moment she stepped out in that dress, I had to cover my dick with my hands, she made me so damn hard. And that mouth of hers. All I could think about was how good those lips of her were going to look wrapped around my cock later. I may have told her I wasn’t going to fuck her tonight, but that didn’t mean I would stop her when she tried to fuck me.