


Once I had confirmedScarlett was ok and found out that it was her that helped the devil find me, the rest of my day flew by. All day I wasn’t able to think straight, I had messed up on six different orders with frazzled thoughts bouncing around in my head.

Why me?

What more could he want?

And the bigger question, what exactly did he want fromme?

Waving my goodbyes to the others, I began the walk back home. When I reached into my pants pocket, my hand hit the money. I had completely forgotten it was there. Pulling it out, I quickly shoved it inside my purse. I didn’t know exactly how much money was there, but I wasn’t about to count it out, walking down the street. Once I was safely inside our place, I went looking for Scarlett. “Scar are you here?”

“In here,” she called out from her bedroom.

Knocking on the cracked open door, I walked in to find her getting ready to go out. “Are you going somewhere?”

She looked up at me with a huge grin on her face. “As a matter of fact, Kieran, and I are going out to dinner.”

I instantly started to freak out. “You can’t go out with him, Scar.”

She frowned up at me in confusion. “Why not?”

Knowing I couldn’t tell her therealreasoning behind my worry, I tried to think of something. “Because...” I stopped, unable to come up with an excuse.

“Oh,because. That seems like a legit reason. What is going on with you? Why are you so against me going out with him?”

Swallowing down the anxiety this whole situation was causing me, I took a deep breath. “I just don’t think it’s safe. He’s a strange man and you don’t really know him.”

Laughing at me, she got up. “Thatisthe whole point of going on the date, Reese. To get to know him. We did get to know each other a little bit this morning, though, when he took me out for coffee, and I didn’t get any ick vibes from him. Speaking of which, he told me he put his number in my phone last night but somehow it disappeared, so when he called this morning, I had no idea who he was. I must have been a lot more drunk than I thought and erased it on accident or something.”

I was waiting for an accusatory stare, but one never came, leaving me with some relief. I shouldn’t have gone into her personal stuff like that, but I was trying to possibly save her ass and definitely keep her out of trouble. “Besides, Miss Thing, I heard you have a date with the hottest guy ever Saturday night yourself, so, don’t be acting like a hypocrite.”

I knew she was kidding about being a hypocrite, but if she knew therealreason, at least what I wanted to believe was the real reason, I was going out with him, she wouldn’t be calling me that even as a joke. “I-I.”

Cutting me off, she pushed on my shoulder. “I’m just giving you shit. You need to loosen up, girl. I say get it, ride it, but god help you if you don’t tell me about it after.”

“It’s really not like that. We’re just going to a dinner party for the Mayor.”