I grunted. “I’m fine.” I flashed him my hand. It was bandaged, but it hadn’t needed stitches.
He scoffed. “Let’s try that again, shall we? The woman you love was held at gunpoint.”
Guilt twisted my gut, burning up my insides. “Because of me.”
I pounded the wall with my fist. It fucking hurt, but I deserved it. If I could take away all of Olivia’s pain, I would.
“Do you know why we call you Cujo?” he asked, surprising me with the sudden change of topic.
“Because I’m dangerous. Savage, like a wild dog.”
He shook his head. “Because you are relentless in protecting the people you care about. You couldn’t have predicted that George would target Olivia—none of us could’ve. But you protected her, and shewillbe okay.”
“She will,” I said, gratitude coursing through me.As long as I stay far, far away from her.
Why had I ever thought this could work? Olivia belonged with someone different, someone better. Someone without the baggage of my past. She was beauty and light and goodness, and I…I didn’t deserve her.
“You did good today,” he said.
“What are you talking about? I rushed at him. I was recklessagain.”
“Any one of us would’ve done the same thing in your shoes. And the fact that you called for backup and waited as long as you did for us to arrive speaks volumes.”
I swiped a hand over my face, exhausted from the conversation and the day. “What happens now?” All I wanted was to hold Olivia. To know she was safe in my arms.
“You know we’ll take care of George. As to what happens with Olivia, that’s up to you. But I didn’t think you were the type of guy to let fear control you.”
“I’m not afraid.” But the words were thick in my throat.
“Deep down…when it comes to love, we’re all a little afraid. And you know what—that’s a good thing. It isn’t easy to risk your heart. But hey, no risk, no reward, right?”
I was still considering Clay’s words and how accurate they might be when his eyes widened. “Holy shit.”
I turned my head to see what he was gawking at—or, rather, whom. It wasn’t unusual to be assigned with a celebrity or diplomat in our line of work. So I was even more curious who would provoke such a starstruck reaction in Clay.
I followed the line of his gaze.“Do you know who that is?” Clay whispered, his voice filled with awe.
A man in dress pants and a button-down shirt stood at the end of the hall, his profile familiar as he spoke to a nurse.Shit.
“Olivia’s dad.”
“What?” Clay’s attention whipped to me. “Harrison Hayes is Olivia’s father?”
“Yep,” I said. “And I’m sure he’s going toloveme when he realizes I’m the reason his only daughter is in the hospital.”
“That’s— Wow…” Clay shook his head. “The man is a legend.Legend.And you didn’t think to mention this before now?”
I lifted a shoulder. “I’m dating Olivia, not her father. At least—” I hung my head. “I was.”
“He’s one of the greatest football players of all time. He…” I tuned Clay out after that, taking a deep breath and squaring my shoulders before heading over to Olivia’s dad.
“Mr. Hayes,” I said.
Concern etched his features, but his eyes were kind when he spoke. “I’m sorry. I can’t sign any autographs right now. I’m looking for my daughter.”
“I, um—” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I know.”
His attention whipped to me, his eyes assessing. “What do you mean…you know?” His voice was lethal, and his gaze was shrewd as he assessed me. “Are you with the police?”