“What about her?” I took a sip of my water.
“Does your sudden lack of excitement about fieldwork have something to do with her?”
The man was too damn perceptive.
“What makes you think I’m not looking forward to my new assignment?” I asked.
“Call it a hunch. How did you two meet anyway?”
I knew there was no use denying it. “Spines for Soldiers.”
“Your change of attitude toward the program makes a lot more sense now. God, this is good.” He clutched his side, laughing hard enough I was tempted to slug him.
I rolled my eyes. “That’s not why I enjoyed the program. We have lively conversations about the books we read.”
“‘Lively conversations,’ huh?” His eyes danced with mirth. “Is that what the kids these days are calling it?”
“Calling what?” Wyatt asked as he joined us.
“Little Cujo’s got himself a girlfriend,” Clay teased.
“Who? The brunette?” Wyatt said, glancing toward where Violet and Olivia were talking.
I nodded. “Yeah, that’s Olivia. But she’s not my girlfriend.”
“You sure about that?” Clay asked.
“It’s temporary,” I said, more annoyed with the situation than these jokers. “She’s here, and my life is in New York.”
“Yet you look ready to upend everything to be with her.” Clay studied me.
“You’re one to talk,” Wyatt said, giving Clay a pointed look.
“True.” Clay nodded, his eyes going glassy as he glanced at Reagan. “I would do anything for that woman.”
“Even have another baby?” Wyatt smirked.
“She’s the one who keeps putting me off,” Clay said. “I’m ready for a third. Hell, I’d have a million more if she’d agree.”
Everyone seemed a bit nostalgic tonight, and I wondered whether it was the fact that it was a “big” birthday for Maverick or the alcohol flowing. Either way, the guys usually put up more of a front. But with their wives around, their friends assembled, they seemed…relaxed. Content. And I realized how much I wanted that too.
“Aww.” Wyatt pouted, draping his arm over Clay’s shoulder. “Has Pigeon lost his touch?”
I shook my head at their antics. These guys loved to pretend they were tough, but they were just giant teddy bears underneath. If anything, it only made me like and respect them even more. They were good men. They loved their families and friends with a fierce protectiveness that I understood because it was how I felt about Olivia.
“Oh shit,” Wyatt said. “I know that look.” He pointed at me, hand still clasped around his beer.
“What look?” I asked, glancing from side to side as if he were pointing at anyone but me.
“You’re in love with her.”
Fuck me, I couldn’t even try to deny it like I had with Zeke.
Of course I loved Olivia. I’d have to be an idiot not to. She was smart, beautiful, kind. I was pretty sure I’d fallen for her before I’d ever met her.
And spending the past week with her had only cemented those feelings. Feelings I shouldn’t be having. Because as much as she seemed to trust me, I wasn’t sure I trusted myself to be the man she deserved.
“Have you told her?” Clay asked.