At that horrific thought, I slipped out of bed as quietly as possible and pressed the button to connect the call. “Just a sec,” I whispered, grabbing Connor’s shirt from the floor and slipping it around me.
“Oh my god. Is he still there?” She squealed, totally not taking the hint to be quiet. “Get it, girl!” Or discreet.
I squeezed my eyes shut. It was too early. I needed coffee.
“Shh,” I hissed, glancing over my shoulder as I pulled the door closed. Even though all I wanted to do was crawl back in bed with him.
“Can you talk now? I’m dying here!”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, desperate for caffeine. “Just…give me a minute,” I whispered, padding across the floor toward the kitchen. I brewed some coffee then headed out to my back patio once it was finished. “Okay, I can talk for a minute or two.”
“Nuh-uh. I’m going to need more than a minute. What’s he like? Is he what you expected? How was the sex?” Her questions were rapid-fire, and I struggled to keep up after my marathon night of sex.
“He’s…” I smiled, glancing out at the palm trees. “Amazing.”
“The sex too?” she asked.
I sighed, thinking of the things we’d done. Him on top, me beneath him, his lips, his hands all over my skin as he worshipped me. Thoroughly.
“That good, huh?” I could hear the smile in her voice. I would’ve been annoyed by her smug tone were I not floating on a high of orgasms. Multiple, glorious orgasms.
“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s even better.”
Unlike the other men I’d been with, Connor had no problem making me climax. He’d certainly proved me wrong about sex in romance novels being a fantasy. But still…maybe last night had been a fluke. Further research was definitely necessary. I smirked into my mug at the idea.
I turned when I heard a noise but saw nothing. “Look, I should probably get going…”
“But I want details!” she whined.
“Soon,” I said, not wanting to gossip about Connor when he was still inside my house. “But not right now… I have a feeling he’s going to be up soon.”
“Up for another round?” she chuckled, amused by her own cheesy joke.
“Probably.” I cupped my hand over the speaker. “The man is insatiable.”
The long stretch of silence on the other end of the line amused me. Alyssa was never silent.
“Damn, girl. I’m totally jealous, but I hope you have fun!”
“Oh, I will.” I grinned, bringing my coffee mug to my lips to take a sip.
“Look at you, all confident. I knew I liked him.”
So did I, and that was a problem because he was leaving in a few days. This was temporary. Fun. A fling. Nothing more.
I didn’t want to dwell on it. Especially not when I spied Connor in the kitchen. He was still here, and I intended to make the most of our time together.
“I’ll see you on Monday,” I said to Alyssa before ending the call.
Connor walked outside not two seconds later, his chest and abs on full display. Damn him for looking so perfect after rolling out of bed. His gray eyes sparkled, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. His boxer briefs rode low on his waist, showcasing amazing abs and a perfect V that led to his…
I gulped and pulled his button-down shirt a little closer, suddenly self-conscious in the harsh morning light. Why hadn’t I taken the time to look in the mirror? Swish a little toothpaste in my mouth? Dab on some lip gloss or even brush my hair?
The man was a god, and I was…
“Morning, beautiful.” He leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. His voice was gravelly, and he looked even sexier with a bit of scruff lining his angular jaw.