I had no idea what he looked like and vice versa. Would our chemistry translate to an in-person meeting? What if all this insane attraction we’d built up over these months just…fizzled out the moment we saw each other?
I curled my lashes then applied mascara before finally standing. I smoothed my palms down my thighs and checked my reflection once more. My boobs looked good, but when I turned to the side, I worried that my butt looked big in these jeans.
“You look fantastic,” Alyssa said, coming to stand beside me.
She ushered me toward the door. “Ooh! This is so exciting!”
I placed a hand to my stomach, which churned with unease. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
I hadn’t stepped foot out of her apartment, and I was already a bundle of nerves. How on earth was I going to make it through meeting Connor? Not to mention holding a conversation.Oh god.
“I think this is a mistake,” I said, backing away from the door as the reality of what I was doing suddenly crashed down on me.
“I think—” Alyssa placed her hands on my shoulders, grounding me “—that you’re scared, and that’s okay. But I also know that if you don’t go, you’ll wonder ‘what if’ for the rest of your life.”
“The rest of my life? Jeez. Dramatic much?”
But even I knew she was right. I didn’t want to have regrets. I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering.
“Come on, Olivia. You can do this. You’re not marrying the guy, just meeting for coffee.” I was positive her smile was meant to be reassuring, but nothing was going to ease my anxiety.
I was meeting someone I’d fantasized about for months. What if he didn’t live up to the image in my head? Worse still, what if I was nothing like he’d expected? What if this was one big letdown?
“I bet he’s just as nervous as you are,” she said.
I barked out a laugh. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
The way he spoke, the confidence in his deep voice, the things he said…all made me believe that he was experienced, especially when it came to women.
“What if I’m not, you know, what he expected?” I finally voiced my greatest fear aloud.
“What if you’re even better than he hoped?” She grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the door. “You’ll never know unless you meet him.”
“Yeah, but I’m not…me when I’m with him.”
She furrowed her brow. “Huh?”
“I’m braver, more confident.”
The corner of her mouth tilted into a smile. “Have you ever thought that maybethat’swho you really are?”
I stilled, considering her words. Was it all just an act, or did Connor bring out the best version of me?
“Please just meet him,” she huffed.
“You’re only pushing this because you’re hoping he has some hot friends I can introduce you to,” I teased.
“Quit stalling.” She placed her hands on her hips. “And, yes—that would be awesome. But that’s not why I’m pushing this. I see the way you light up when you talk about Connor. You’ve never even met the man, but there’s clearly something between you two.”
I nodded, knowing she was right. There was definitely something between us, and I’d be an idiot to ignore it.
“Okay?” She danced around, making me laugh. “Call me as soon as you get home. I expect a full report.”
I saluted her. “Yes, ma’am.”
She grinned and shook her head. “Have fun.”