His brown eyes met mine. “Always.”
“Even so, I want to apologize for how everything went down.”
He nodded. “It’s cool, man. We’re good.”
“I lost control, and—” I dropped my head. “I’m sorry you got injured.”
“I don’t blame you for what you did. The guy was a dick. His dad too.”
There was no doubt about that.
I lifted my gaze to his. “You don’t?”
“No. Of course not, but I can’t lose this job. My granny…”
I clapped a hand on his back. “I know, Z. I’m sorry for ever putting you in that position. It won’t happen again.”
“Good.” He clapped a hand on my back. “It hasn’t been the same without you.”
“Thanks,” I said, needing to change subjects. “Are you excited to meet your reading partner?”
“Yeah. I mean, she’s nice and all, but I’m more excited about the paid vacation.” We shuffled forward, joining the line to board the plane.
I laughed. “Yeah. The vacation will be nice.”
“What do you want to do first? Check out the nightlife? Go to the beach?”
“Actually—” I held up my phone so the gate agent could scan the boarding pass on it. “I already have plans.”
“Really?” Zeke followed me down the jet bridge. “With someone from the LA office?”
I knew a few of the guys out here, but most of the former SEALs had been recruited from the base in Coronado, California. Whereas the guys in the New York office had come from Little Creek, Virginia, where I’d been stationed for most of my naval career. Even so, that wasn’t who I was going to see.
I shook my head. “My reading partner.” Though Olivia was so much more than that.
“Nice. What are you doing? Maybe I should tag along.”
Fuck no.
“I’m taking her to a bookstore.”
Zeke scrunched up his face. “Sounds…nerdy.”
I laughed. Once upon a time, I might have thought that too. But I’d changed. Olivia had changed me.
“She’s going to love it,” I said. At least, I hoped so. Hell, part of me was afraid she wouldn’t show up. But I knew that was just the fear talking.
“Wait.” Zeke paused, backpack in midair on the way into the overhead bin. “Is this a date?”
I rubbed the back of my neck and sank down into the window seat. “Yeah. I guess it is. At least, I want it to be.”
“Damn, Cujo. Is she hot?” He took the seat next to me.
I smiled to myself, thinking about Olivia. “I honestly have no idea.”
He jerked his head back. “What?”
“I don’t know what she looks like.”