“I’m so sorry, Connor. Is there anything I can do?”
I didn’t push for more. Whether he didn’t want to talk about it or wasn’t permitted to, it didn’t matter. Either way, he was concerned. He might no longer be a SEAL, but his job was no less hazardous or confidential.
He was quiet for so long, I thought maybe he’d hung up. But then he said, “I actually visited him the other day.” He chuckled. “Read to him.”
“Really?” I asked, though it didn’t surprise me he’d done that. That was just who Connor was. “What did you read?”
“AnotherMeghan Hart book?” I asked, trying not to laugh. I could just imagine this huge, former Navy SEAL sitting at the bedside of his friend, reading a romance novel.
“Yes. Is something about that amusing?”
“No.” I shook my head, smothering my laugh. “Not at all.”
“I’m glad to hear it. And thank you for offering to help. That means a lot.”
“I’ll be thinking about him. I hope he’s okay.”
“Thanks,” he grunted. “It’s part of the job. We sign up knowing this could happen. But when it does, that knowledge doesn’t make it any easier.”
I nodded, absorbing his words. I just wanted Connor to know that I was there for him, that I was listening. That I cared. Because whether I liked it or not, admitted it or not, I was invested in this man.
I went to sleep thinking about him. When I woke up, he was the first thing on my mind. And talking to him was often the best part of my day.
“So… How are you enjoying our latest read?” I asked, sensing he needed a change of subject.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I’m not going to be able to finish it.”
“No problem,” I said. “I understand if you’re too busy or distracted with what’s going on at work.”
“That’s not it.” I heard rustling and wondered if he was lying down. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine him and what he was doing. “I don’t want to read a story that contains domestic abuse.”
His answer surprised me. I’d figured—given the things he must see in his line of work—that it wouldn’t faze him. I hadn’t even given it a second thought. I felt bad that I’d just assumed…
“Even if the main character overcomes it?” It was sort of a spoiler, but I was speaking in general terms.
“I’m all for it, for overcoming adversity, but…” He blew out a breath, and I sensed there was more he wasn’t telling me. “That certainly wasn’t my reality.”
I froze at his words, at his admission, and silence fell between us. The sun was dipping low in the sky, palm trees swaying in the breeze. But where Connor was, the sun had likely already set. Still, it was comforting to think that we were both looking at the same sky, even from across the country.
“Connor?” I finally asked.
“My father was abusive.” His tone held a steeliness I hadn’t heard before. An edge that spoke of both anger and strength.
Abusive?I sucked in a sharp breath, the air slashing my lungs. I didn’t want to think of anyone hurting Connor. Especially not the man who was supposed to love him, protect him.
“I’m sorry.” It seemed like such an inadequate sentiment, but what more could I say? All I wanted to do was wrap him up in a hug. But he was across the country, and we’d never even met. Might likely never meet.
More and more lately, that idea seemed unfathomable. The fact that I knew so much about this man and might never see him in person.
He sighed. After a long pause, he said, “My parents always had a volatile relationship, but my mom did her best to shelter me from it.”
“So, your dad…”
“No, he never hit me.”
I released the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. I was still heartsick at the idea of Connor as a little boy in a situation like that—at the idea of his mom…