Page 109 of Undeniable

“This is remarkable,” I said, still astounded that he was here. That he’d done all this.

“You’re remarkable,” he said. “I can’t imagine my life without you. And I’m sorry we had to go so long without seeing each other. I’m sorry I broke my promise.”

I snuggled into his side, pressing my lips to his chest.This man.Could he be more perfect?

“We were both busy,” I said. We were in this together. “It sucks, but it happens. I’m just happy to see you now.”

We floated until well after the sun had set, the stars growing brighter in the sky. Well, as bright as they got in LA. We talked, we ate, we cuddled. It was perfect, and I didn’t want the night to end.

It wasn’t until after the first movie had finished and the second one began that I finally addressed the elephant in the room. “I’m scared to ask, but what time is your flight on Sunday?” I was already dreading his answer.

“That depends…”

I arched my eyebrow and turned to look at him. “Depends on what?”

“I know we said we’d reevaluate our situation after six months, but I’m sick of the constant back-and-forth. And we both know it’s not going to get any better with how our jobs have been.”

For a brief moment, my heart stopped. His words sounded like the beginning of a breakup. But he wouldn’t have come all the way here and done all of this just to break up with me.

“What are you saying?” I asked, knowing that wasn’t it. Was he asking me to consider moving to New York?

“How do you feel about the idea of me transferring to California?”

I stared at him a moment. “You’re serious?”

He nodded, tucking my hair behind my ear. “I already put in for the transfer, and it was accepted. The position is mine, if that’s what we want.”

“Yes,” my mouth whispered before my brain could catch up. “Yes,” I squealed. “Of course that’s what I want.” The floating bed rocked from my enthusiasm, water sloshing in the process.

Connor chuckled. “Careful, Goody, or you’ll submerge us.”

The twinkle in his eye told me that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Though, his phone was still in his pocket. And it would be a mess to clean up.

I arched my brow, challenging him. “You once told me that you can hold your breath for two minutes and forty-nine seconds. Want to see if you can beat your record?”

“Mm.” He traced the line of my hip. “I have better ideas of how to use my time—and my mouth.”

“Yes.” My voice was breathy with want. It had been too long since I’d felt his touch. Since he’d been inside me.

He claimed my mouth. Our kiss was a homecoming and a revelation. And just as hot as the first time.

But I still had questions, so I eventually placed my hand on his chest. “What about your life in New York? Your friends? Lucy? You’d give up everything for me?”

“I’d do anything for your chocolate crack cookies.” He coughed when I slugged him. “I mean—you. I’d do anything for you.”

He gathered me in his arms, his scruff tickling my skin as he covered me with kisses. I giggled, more from the insanity of it than the tickling. The float rocked beneath us but didn’t tip.

“And I’m not giving anything up,” he said. “So long as I have you.”

I melted both at his words and the way he was touching me. Kissing me. “God, I love you.”

“I love you too, Goody.” He palmed my breast through my shirt, and I moaned.

I wanted to give in. Let go. But my mind was still whirling. “It sounds like your transfer would go into effect immediately. But what does that really mean? Would anything really change, considering your current assignment?”

“I’ll finish Abby’s tour, but fortunately we’ll be back in the US for the rest of it. And I can go ahead and relocate so my home base is here instead of New York. Which means that every time I fly home, I’ll be coming home to you.”

“So you really don’t have to fly back to New York in a few days?” My insides felt like a bottle of champagne ready to pop.