“Hi.” My voice was muffled, and her stomach shook as she laughed. I smiled.
“I’m naked.”
“And that’s a problem, why?” I teased.
“It’s only a problem because you’re still wearing clothes.” She grinned and tugged on the back of my shirt. “You know, you could hold me in the bathtub,” she said, placing her hands on my shoulders as I peered up at her. “And I’d still be naked.”
She nodded then stepped into the tub. I reached behind my neck, pulling my shirt over my head. As I removed my clothes, I shed my remaining insecurities, baring myself to her. Maybe I couldn’t protect her from everything, but I’d do anything in my power to try.
“Wow, this tub is incredible,” Olivia said, sinking deeper into the water. “You could fit like four more guys in here.”
I tossed my pants aside. “Not amused.”
“I wasn’t suggesting it.” She smirked. “Merely commenting on the large size.”
“I’ll give you something large to comment on,” I teased.
She laughed, but her eyes heated when they came to rest on my dick. “Mm. Really?”
“No,” I said, willing it to calm down. “And stop looking at me like that. You’re supposed to be relaxing.”
She leaned her elbows on the side of the tub and peered up at me. “What ifthatwould help me relax?”
“You heard the doctor,” I said. “No vigorous movements.”
The CT scan had come back with nothing out of the ordinary. But the doctor had diagnosed her with a mild concussion and cautioned her to avoid screens for the next day or so, as well as limit mental concentration. She was supposed to rest, and I intended to make sure she did just that.
“What about gentle movements?” She batted her eyes, her skin damp from the steam of the bath.
“Cuddling,” I said, my tone firm even as I fought my growing arousal. “We can cuddle.”
“That’s it?” She chewed her lower lip in the way she knew I found irresistible.
I narrowed my eyes. “I’m only joining you if you can agree to these terms.”
“But you’re leaving soon.” She pouted.
Clay and Wyatt were already headed back to New York, but I was going to stay in LA for a few more days. I was grateful for more time with Olivia. I only wished it hadn’t come at such a high price.
“I know,” I sighed. I didn’t want to leave her, especially not so soon after the attack. “But I’ll see you again in two weeks. I can wait until you’re healed to have sex.”
“What if I can’t?” she asked, the little minx.
“Um. Who was calling whom insatiable?” I teased, gesturing between us.
But I had a feeling her desire for sex had more to do with connection. It was a feeling I understood well. The need for touch, release after a life-threatening experience.
“Will you please just get in the tub?” she huffed while I finished ordering our dinner on my phone. “The water’s going to be cold by the time you’re done arguing with me.”
I bit back a laugh and slid in behind her. I wrapped my arms around her. She reclined against me, her body almost completely submerged.
“You’re right,” I said, stroking her arm. “This is a big tub.”
“Right? You should see the one at my dad’s house.”
I stilled at the mention of Harrison. “I’m pretty sure your dad hates me after today.”