I wrapped my arm around her, giving her a hug as I ushered her toward the door. “I should’ve listened to my friends,” she muttered. “They all warned me about you. They told me you’d never want more than sex.”
I frowned. I distinctly recalled telling her this could never be anything more than sex. And I remembered her agreeing. But I should’ve known better. “Do you want me to get you a ride home?”
She shook her head, wiping her tears as we neared the door. “I’ll be fine.”
I shut the door behind her and leaned against it with a heavy sigh.
“Told you,” Decker called from his bedroom. The door to his room opened, and he stalked out.
Fucker.“Were you eavesdropping?”
“Kind of hard not to. Just like it was impossible not to hear you two fucking in the next room.”
“Whoa.” I held up my hands, surprised by the strength of his anger. “What crawled up your ass?”
I didn’t want to fight with one of my best friends, my brothers, but I wasn’t going to take shit from him or anyone.
“You.” He was panting. “You are my problem, Connor. It’s always about whatyouwant. About whatyouthink is best.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“You knew Katie wanted more, and you led her on anyway. You lost your shit, and Disco got hurt.”
I wasn’t sure what I was most upset about—the fact that he felt like I’d intentionally misled Katie. Or the idea that he thought my actions were driven by selfish desires.
“That’s not…” I didn’t even know what to say.
I clenched my fists, fuming at his accusations. Mostly because I hated how accurate they were. Ihadused Katie—even if she’d been a willing participant, at least in the beginning. And I had lost my shit. And Disco had been injured as a result. But I got the feeling there was something more going on.
“Why are you always so worried about Katie? So protective? She’s an adult. She can make her own decisions.”
His eyes narrowed to slits. “You’re an asshole, Cujo.” He spun and marched toward his room, slamming the door behind him.
Fuck.What had I missed?
I went to my room and fell back on the bed. I wasn’t sure where the day had gone so wrong, but it had. And while I was tempted to call Olivia, I didn’t want to dump my problems on her. So, I opened my e-reader and downloaded the latest book she’d sent me instead.
“Somebody’s in a good mood today,” Alyssa said as we packed up our stuff after yet another Monday morning meeting.
God, sometimes it felt like all we did was have meetings. And half of the issues we discussed could’ve easily been handled with a simple email.
That said, when Seth had asked for an update on the Spines for Soldiers program, I hadn’t hesitated to brag about it. I’d even recruited a few more sign-ups from my coworkers. The program had only been live a short time, but everyone seemed to be enjoying it.
I headed down the hall toward my cubicle. “No more than usual.”
I could feel her eyes on me, watching me as I set down my things. “Nope. You’re definitely in a good mood. And you rocked the hell out of that update.”
“Thanks,” I said.
“But I don’t get the feeling it’s that.” She tapped her lips, taking a seat in my cubicle. “Did you go on a date while I was gone?”
I shook my head.
“I take it you figured out some way to magically unsend your email to your sexy SEAL?”
I couldn’t believe how much had happened in such a short amount of time. While Alyssa had spent the past two weeks traveling for book signings abroad, Connor and I had continued emailing—and not just about the books.