Page 18 of Undeniable

We talked about anything and everything. Every time my phone buzzed with a new email, I was giddy. And the more I got to know him, the more I liked him. Felt like I knew him.

He was an only child like me. Had traveled to over sixty countries, visiting desert and urban areas, jungles and mountains, mostly during his time with the SEALs. Though, he still traveled in his current job—working in executive protection for Hudson Security. I felt so…unadventurous in comparison. As much as I’d always wanted to see the world, I typically opted for fictional adventures, while he was out traveling the world and saving lives.

Our differences didn’t stop there. He’d never had a pet—his lifestyle wouldn’t allow for it. Even so, he’d always wanted one. Whereas I couldn’t imagine my life without Luna. He hated olives, and I loved them.

I was greedy for information about Connor. And I was happy that he seemed so willing to share it with me. Happy and yet surprised.

This was so much more than I’d expected from the program. When I’d pitched Spines for Soldiers to my boss, I’d hoped that people would connect. Form friendships and bond over books. But even in the short time I’d known Connor, our relationship already felt so much deeper than mere pen pals.

I told myself to get up. Get ready. I was supposed to have brunch with my mom since she was in town for the first time in a while. But instead, I rolled over and hugged a pillow to my chest, rereading Connor’s emails again to myself.


Oh wow. I was not prepared for the level of drama in this book.


I laughed aloud and scrolled to the next. The time stamp was even later, and I was beginning to wonder if he’d stayed up all night reading. It was a pretty far cry from his initial resistance, and I wondered if it was the books that had changed his mind or something else.


Please tell me you’re just as tortured as I am by these characters and their decisions. I keep telling myself to go to sleep, but I can’t. I just keep turning to the next page and saying “one more chapter.” God, I’m turning into such a cliché.


This time,I laughed so hard, I startled Luna from the bed. Oh boy. Connor was in trouble now. I was almost as interested in the way these emails would unfold as the actual story.


I am ruined.

You ruined me.

And I’m going to sleep now.


I smirked,gloating to myself. I had a good enough feel for people and books that I’d suspected Connor would like that series, and I’d been right. I typed out a response, figuring he was probably still sleeping, even though it was later on the East Coast.


I’m glad you enjoyed the story. Thank you for not sending any spoilers. I’m hoping to finish it today, but I have plans, so it’ll have to wait for now.

I have to admit, I’m a bit scared of the idea of continuing to read it based on your emails. Though we both know you have a flair for the dramatic.

I suppose if you get tired of working for Hudson, you might have a career in drama or storytelling. I hope you have a good weekend.


I’d just finished gettingready, when my phone chimed with a new email. I greedily peered at the screen, almost dropping my phone in my haste to read Connor’s latest message.




That story fucking destroyed me.