Page 111 of Undeniable

“It’s noteverynight,” I said, when he rolled us so I was on top and he was sitting against the headboard. “Only when you’re in town.”

“Not.” He smacked my ass. “Happening.” He gave it another smack. Hard enough to sting briefly, but it only made me groan.

“Fine,” I said, my eyes rolling back in my head as he stroked my clit. “We can look for a new place. As long as you’re sure.”

“Sure about us or about the move?”

“The move,” I said. I had no doubts about us.

“Why?” He tangled his fingers in my hair, resting his forehead against mine as he nuzzled me. “Are you having second thoughts, Goody?”

My breath caught. “Absolutely not. I just want to make sure you’re really thinking this through. That you aren’t being hasty.”

“Tell me something…” He kissed my cheek. “Were you being hasty when you quit your job?”

I shook my head, our breath mingling as he drove into me. Drove me wild. “No. I was acting on instinct. Even if it did seem impulsive.”

“Which is exactly what I’m doing.” He searched my eyes. “I love you. So fucking much.”

“Not as much as I love you.” I pulled him to me, pouring my emotions into our kiss. The longing. The happiness. The hope.

Our story was just beginning. And I couldn’t wait to see what the future held. Because I knew that, together, we could take on anything.


“How’s the house hunt going?” Harrison asked, entering the kitchen.

Olivia was out with Alyssa, which left me home alone with her dad. It was the type of situation I typically tried to avoid. Harrison was nice enough, sure. But he was as protective of Olivia as I was, and half the time, I was convinced he still viewed me as a threat to her happiness.

Hence my motivation to find a house—and soon.

Not to mention the fact that I felt like a mooch, living at Olivia’s dad’s house long after we should’ve moved out. But he’d insisted—suggesting we could use the time to save more money for a down payment. And I wasn’t going to argue, not when Olivia had been all too happy to agree. Still, that didn’t mean I was pleased about it.

Olivia and I needed our own space. Not that Harrison’s house wasn’t nice. I mean, fuck, his home was the type that most of my clients had. Expensive. Luxurious. In an exclusive community.

But it wasn’tours. I wanted a place where Olivia and I could walk around naked. Where we could spend all day in bed if we wanted. Somewhere without her dad constantly hovering, watching my every move.

“It’s going,” I sighed.

I kept my gaze focused on my laptop, scanning the latest online listings. A few of them were promising, but it had taken longer to find something that met most of our requirements than I’d hoped. The houses were either too small or too expensive or too old or… I dragged a hand over my head and leaned back in my chair.


“What about the one you toured last weekend?” Harrison asked, leaning his hip against the counter. “I thought Olivia loved it.”

Perhaps he was as ready to be rid of us as I was eager to move out. Or havememove out, at least.

I shook my head. “Not safe enough.”

I wondered if I’d ever be good enough for Olivia in Harrison’s eyes. While she assured me that her dad liked me, I had my doubts. That said, I didn’t think he’d ever love anyone she dated. Though I intended to do more than just date her. I wanted to marry her.

Harrison furrowed his brow. “Not safe enough?”

He wouldn’t understand. Hell, his own home wasn’t secure enough for my taste. “It has too many vulnerabilities.”

“I appreciate your concern for Olivia’s safety, but it seems a bit extreme.”

“Extreme.” I scoffed. “Right.” He sounded like Olivia, but they didn’t get it. Even in the wake of George’s assault, they were too damn trusting.