Page 97 of Temptation

I showered and changed. When I climbed the stairs to the deck, I ran into the steward. “Would you like me to call for a ride to the Descanso Club?”

“Not yet, but thank you,” I said, knowing Kendall was still getting ready.

I poured myself a drink and tried to steady my nerves, still on edge from the close call. We were playing a dangerous game.

Kendall joined me on deck, her hair pulled back in a loose bun. Her coral dress fluttered around with the wind, tantalizing me with glimpses of her thighs.

My mouth went dry at the sight of her. “You’re wearingthatto the club?”

“Yes.” She peered down at herself. “Why? Is something wrong with this?”

“It’s too sexy,” I said. “Everyone’s going to be looking at you. And I’m not going to be able to touch you.”Fuck me.

She wrapped her arms around my waist. “Do we have to go?” she asked, pouting those full lips in a way she knew I couldn’t resist.

“Would you rather stay here?” I rubbed her shoulders.

She nodded. “After the day we’ve had, a quiet evening alone sounds like heaven.”

“That it does,mi cielo.” I kissed her without restraint, getting lost in the moment. In her.

“Dad?” Jude’s voice seemed magnified even over the sound of a passing speedboat.

Kendall scrambled out of my arms, and I snapped my head to where my son was standing. Watching. And judging from the look on his face, he’d seen everything.

My heart slowed, and it felt as if time stopped.

“What the fuck?” he asked, dragging a hand through his hair. “Wait…” His expression was pinched. Pained. “Were you two…? Did I…?” He seemed to be struggling to breathe. To form complete sentences.

“Jude,” I said in a calm tone, needing to get control of the situation. “Take a breath.”

“Take a breath,” he scoffed, taking a step forward. “Take a fuckingbreath?” The words came out sharp. “I came back to get my cell phone. And I find…you…this?”

He started pacing the deck, muttering to himself. I chanced a glance at Kendall. She twisted her hands in front of her, a worried expression on her face.

“I thought your girlfriend couldn’t come. You told me…” Understanding dawned on his face as everything clicked into place.

“I know,” I said. “But it didn’t seem like the time or place to announce that Kendall and I are together.”

There. I’d done it. Ripped off the Band-Aid.

“So that’s why she…” I couldn’t make out everything he said after that, but there was a lot of cursing involved.

Jude took a deep breath and faced Kendall. “So,he’swho you’re seeing?” The words were hurled from his lips like I imagined he wanted to toss me over the side of the boat.

Kendall nodded, but otherwise, neither of us spoke. I was trying to give him a moment to process everything. I was trying to let him work through his emotions.

“Was there ever actually a job in New York?” Jude finally asked her.

She jerked her head back. “Yes. Of course there was. I wouldn’t lie to you about that.”

“But you’d lie to me about leaving. About where you were living. About—” He pointed at me, his cheeks turning red even as he refused to meet my eyes. “Him?”

I hung my head. I didn’t want to enrage Jude more, nor did I want him to feel outnumbered. Ambushed. But it stung that he was acting like I didn’t even exist. Not that it was undeserved. It just…it fucking sucked.

“First of all,” Kendall said, taking a calming breath. “I didn’t lie about leaving. As I told you before, I’d taken the job and planned to leave, but then my circumstances changed.”

“I’ll say.” He shook his head slowly, his expression one of disbelief. “Does your mom even have cancer?”