Page 53 of Temptation

“I’m—” I tried to push down my guilt. “I was headed to grab a bite to eat.”

“Let me drop these off in your mom’s room, and I’ll go with you.”

“No, that’s—”

“I insist,” he said, and I could tell he wasn’t going to budge. “Besides, these hallways are so serpentine. I could use a guide, or I fear I’ll never make it out alive,” he joked.

I let out a deep sigh and walked back to Mom’s room, this time with Jude and his bouquet. Mom was still asleep, and Joe was dozing in the chair beside her, their hands locked. Jude smiled and set the flowers on the windowsill before sneaking back out to join me in the hall.

“They’re cute.”

“He’s a good guy,” I said. “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her this happy.”

“I wish my dad could find someone who made him happy like that,” Jude said. “Though…” He hesitated.

“What?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No. I probably shouldn’t tell you.”

“Tell me what?” I asked, concern for Knox overriding my better judgment.

“It’s just…” He leaned in. “I found a torn condom wrapper in his office.”

I held a hand to my stomach, my eyes going wide.Oh god.I’m going to be sick.

“Come on.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, perhaps realizing the horror on my face. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it. And I’m sure you’ll feel better once we get some food in you.”

During the walk, he asked about my mom. About how I was holding up. He was kind and friendly, and I realized that maybe I’d underestimated him. Maybe he would’ve been there for me if I’d let him. He was here now, despite the fact that we’d broken up.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I finally asked when we sat down at a table, a stack of waffles on my tray. At least they smelled good.

Or maybe I was justthathungry that even hospital cafeteria food seemed appealing. I hadn’t eaten since dinner last night. Was it any wonder I was starving after the workout Knox had given me?

“Because I care about you, Ken,” Jude said, flashing me a genuine smile. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“But we broke up,” I said, confused. My head and my heart were all over the place.

“It was amicable. And exes can still be friends.” He grabbed a piece of bacon from my plate and took a bite. “I mean, look at my parents.”

“True.” I nodded, dipping my waffle into the syrup.

I’d always admired the way Jude’s parents interacted. They might have been divorced, but they’d remained friends. They’d prioritized their family dynamic even though they were no longer married.

“And to be totally honest, I might have also had a selfish motive for coming here,” he said.

I frowned, dreading the direction of the conversation. Instead of saying anything, I shoved a big piece of waffle in my mouth.

“Why did you turn down the job?”

“Jude…” I let out a sigh. I really did not have the energy for this. I decided the universe wasn’t mocking me, but rather punishing me.

“Is it because of me?”

“No.” I stared at my plate.

“Is it because of Dad? I know he can be demanding sometimes, but he’ll be good to you.”

Oh, how I knew that. I had firsthand knowledge. I squeezed my thighs together, remembering how empowered I’d felt. How nice it had been to do something for myself for once.