Page 124 of Temptation

“Maybe he was a stepping-stone. Someone who came into your life for a short time to help guide you to your future.”

My chest seized, a sob bursting from my lips. I didn’t want to think of Knox like that. I couldn’t. “I can’t ever imagine loving anyone else as much as I do Knox.”

“Oh, Kendall.” Emmy pulled me to her, holding me tight.

“What am I going to do?” I sniffled.

She pulled back and smiled. “Go to Paris. Experienceallthe things. Then see how you feel.”

“Okay.” I nodded, knowing this was the trip of a lifetime. “I’ll go.”

I finished packing then zipped my bag. Double-checked that I had my passport. Everything was in order, even if I felt unsettled.

When the town car arrived that afternoon to take me to the airport, I was ready. Excited, even. This was an adventure. An all-expenses-paid trip to Paris, where I’d be living the first-class life.

I hugged Emmy and Joe goodbye, and then Mom walked me outside. While the driver loaded my bags in the trunk, she pulled me into a big hug.

“You’re going to have the best time,” she enthused. “I know it.”

I nodded, trying to absorb some of her optimism. “You sure you’re okay with me missing Christmas?”

“Are you kidding? If I’d been given this opportunity, I would’ve jumped on it. And I’m glad you did. You deserve this, Kendall. You do so much for everyone else, especially for me. It’s time to do something for you.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“Of course, sweetheart. I love you, and I can’t wait to hear all about it.” She gave me one more quick hug, and then I climbed into the car and waved goodbye.

When we arrived at the airport, we were waved through the gate and taken to the plane. The driver took care of my bags, and a flight attendant met me on the tarmac.

“Right this way, Miss Kendall.” She smiled.

“Thank you…”

“Tabitha.” She grinned, and I realized she couldn’t be much older than me. “I’m with the Hartwell Agency too.”

“Nice to meet you.” I followed her up the stairs and stepped inside the plane but then stopped short.

Knox stood from his seat, as handsome as ever. His beard was cropped shorter than before, and his blue eyes sparkled as they scanned me head to toe. My breath caught in my chest, even as my heart pounded a mile a minute.

Was he…was this for real? Surely there’d been some mistake. Why would Knox be here? On the private flight I was taking to start my new placement in Paris? Nothing about this made sense.

“Is something wrong?” Tabitha asked, glancing between us.

“I, um—” I shifted from one foot to the other, twisting my purse strap in my hands. “I think there must have been some mistake. I’m going to Paris.”

“Nope.” Knox shook his head, stepping closer. “No mistake.”

Tabitha excused herself, leaving me alone with Knox. I couldn’t believe it. After all this time…it was him. God, how I’d missed him. Seeing him again made me realize just how much.

“Are you…” My blood whooshed through my ears, making it difficult to think. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” he said, taking me back to that first night in his kitchen. The night when I’d thought he was a burglar and he’d comforted me after I’d nearly attacked him with a hockey stick.

I furrowed my brow. “I’m traveling to my new placement for the Hartwell Agency.”

“About that…” He looked chagrined, and my stomach sank.

“There is no placement?” I asked. He shook his head, but I was still stuck on it. “But the apartment overlooking the Eiffel Tower…” I trailed off.