Page 73 of Temptation

Knox stood and unzipped his pants, removing his cock. I loved the way he slicked the tip through my juices, no barriers remaining. After the gala, Knox hadn’t wanted to use condoms anymore, and I had readily agreed since I was on the pill.

His eyes held a challenge, a dare. His message was clear. If I wanted him inside me, I needed to convince Jude to leave me alone. To let me go.

“I—” I scrambled for a plausible excuse. Something believable. “I don’t think my mom’s up for visitors.”

Knox nodded, inching his way inside me. I never felt as full or as complete as when we connected like this.

“Perhaps another time soon, then,” Jude said, completely oblivious to the fact that his dad was fucking me on the other end of the phone.

“Thanks,” I said in a rush. “Gotta go.” And then I disconnected the call as quickly as possible.

“Good girl,” Knox said, smoothing his hand down my sternum.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Do you want me to call you the ‘D’ word?” I asked, knowing how much he hated being called “Daddy.”

“Only if you want me to gag you with my cock.” His eyes were wild.

That didn’t sound like too much of a punishment to me.

“What has gotten into you?” I demanded, frowning as I pushed up on my elbows and locked my legs around Knox’s hips.

“You.” He dragged his thumb down my lips, his eyes following the progression. “Youmake me crazy. Now show me how pretty you look when you come on my cock.”

He picked up the pace, covering my mouth with his. Deepening our connection. Making me want him even more.

When I came, I nearly fell off the desk, his thrusts hard and relentless. And there was no doubt about it—I was his.


Emmy was standing outside the restaurant when I pulled up. The valet opened the door for me, and Emmy’s eyes danced with laughter when she spotted me climbing out of the Range Rover in one of my new designer outfits. I shot her a look as I took the ticket from the valet and met her on the sidewalk.

“First the Range Rover, and now the designer duds?” she asked. “What did he do to convince you this time? Burn your old clothes?”

“Ha-ha,” I deadpanned. She knew all about Knox having my car towed. “No, but if he does, I swear to god…”

“Ooh. Feisty. I like this new side of you.” She smirked.

“Come on.” I linked my arm through hers. But deep down, I liked this new side of me too.

It wasn’t about the luxury car or the designer clothes that kept appearing on my side of the closet. It was about Knox. I knew the gifts were his way of telling me he cared. And despite how nice all the presents were, the only thing I really wanted was him.

“Roughday at the office?” She waggled her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously, Emmy?”

“What?” She shrugged.

“That was bad. Even for you.”

She stared at me with mock outrage. “Hey!”

“Drinks,” I said, giving her a pointed stare. “We’re here to celebrate your new placement.”

She frowned. “Not sure it’s worth celebrating.”

The inside of the restaurant was loud, so I waited until we’d been seated and ordered drinks to broach the topic again. “So…what happened?”

She flopped back in the booth with a groan. “I don’t want to talk about it.”