Page 30 of Temptation

I locked my arm around his neck. “That’s what I have you for.”

I was only half joking. Hewasmy legacy. Him and the Leatherbacks. The team was an extension of my family.

Jude shook his head. “You know what I mean, Dad. Mom remarried years ago.”

“You think I should get remarried?” Where was this coming from? Jude’s mom and I had been divorced for over a decade.

“I’m not saying that. But I think you should find someone who makes you happy.”

Easier said than done. The woman who made me happy was… I pushed away the thought. It didn’t matter.

While Jude grabbed his jacket, I checked my emails. There was a new one from the Hartwell Agency. Staci wanted to check in about the chefs and see how much longer I’d need Kendall. Staci ended her email by asking if I was pleased with their service.

I thought about Kendall and just how much she pleased me.

And I knew Jude was right. It was time to get Kendall out of my house and into a more suitable role. Something that would help her but wouldn’t provide so much temptation for me.


“Argh.” I mashed on the keyboard to my laptop. “Not again.”

Knox rapped on my doorframe, and I jerked my head up from my laptop. The tutoring website had kicked me out just before I’d finished trying to upload my students’ graded assignments for a third time.

I was frustrated with how unpredictable the website had been lately. Not to mention the complete lack of IT support. It was affecting both my schedule and my income.

“Everything okay?” Knox asked.

I sighed and set my laptop aside. “Yeah. It’s fine.”

“You sure?” he asked, brow furrowed with concern. Why did he have to be so sexy?

“It will be,” I said, my bad mood vanishing at the sight of him. I smiled and admired the way the blue of his button-down shirt brought out the color of his eyes. “You look nice.”

“Thanks.” It was then I noticed he had two ties—one slung over each shoulder. “Dinner with Jude and…”

“And…?” I leaned back against the headboard, enjoying the way his eyes tracked my every move. Right now, he was staring at my throat. My lips. His gaze like a laser beam intent on the destruction of my underwear.

“And Chrissy,” he finally said.

“It’s okay to talk about Jude and his new girlfriend,” I said, standing from the bed and stretching. “I’m happy for him.”

“You are?” Knox asked, stepping closer, his bare feet padding on the floor.

“Of course I am.”

I placed my hands on Knox’s chest, using the ties as a pretext to touch him. I’d found myself doing that more and more lately—finding excuses to touch him.

He often sought my opinion. And not just on ties. Over the past few weeks, he’d come to me for an opinion on things regarding the house. On requests from charities. He’d ask my thoughts on how the team was doing or how our opponents were shaping up. I’d never felt so valued.

“Hmm.” I picked up one of the ties and held it to his neckline. I placed it back on his shoulder then did the same with the other, taking my time to evaluate each one. My eyes pinged between his shoulders, his lips, and his eyes.

“Which do you prefer?” he asked.

They both looked great. Knox always looked amazing. He could be wearing an old, ratty shirt and jeans, and he’d still look hot.

I held the first one up to his neck again. This time, he leaned forward, his Adam’s apple grazing my knuckles when he swallowed, his breath caressing my face as he exhaled. I let out a shaky exhale of my own, feeling as if I might combust from his proximity and the way he was looking at me.

When I continued to evaluate the ties, he said, “I may not be home until late, but I’m happy to bring some food home for you.”