“So you did. Geez, does this mean … no, it couldn’t.”


“Does this mean Sassy Bennettdoesdo romance after all?” A cheeky smile spreads over Colt’s face and I swat him with my arm.

“No, of course not.” I splutter. But he spots a flower on the tray. On a whim, I had picked it from his backyard and placed it there before coming back upstairs. A decision I now fully regret. Colt picks it up and twirls it between his fingers, his lips pressed together, containing his laugh.

“I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Then I give him the side-eye. “But it’s no Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”

“Oh, no she didn’t!” Colt whoops. “Don’t tell me you’ve watched that classic?”

“I haven’t. But if the man I love watches cheesy romcoms, then I guess I’ll have to learn to like them.”

Colt threads his fingers through my hair and pulls me in for a kiss.

“I’ll never get sick of hearing you say that.” He murmurs.

“Eat!” I demand. I get awkward saying the L word. It’s very new to me. I’m grateful when we both dig in to the breakfast silently.

“I’m surprised this doesn’t have vodka in it,” Colt jokes as he sips his orange juice.

“Actually, I’ve given up drinking for a while.” I say, the admission making me feel vulnerable.

“Have you?” Colt looks genuinely proud of me, and I instantly relax. “That’s a good idea. I haven’t been going out much either. I’d be happy to join you on the sober bandwagon.”

His support gives me a warm glow. This guy just keeps getting better.

We finish eating and Colt moves the tray to his bedside table so we can lie back down. I settle into his arms, content and happy under the blankets with him. But there’s still something niggling at the back of my mind.



“You said yesterday it was hard to watch me move on with another man. But I want you to know Chase and I never got back together. That day you saw me on campus after you got out of hospital? I just let you believe we were together, because I thought it would be easier to break up that way. I felt so guilty afterwards.”

Colt’s quiet as he absorbs this new information.

“Just more proof that I was an idiot for walking away so easily. I promise never to do that again.”

I swallow and look around at the piles of clothes waiting to be packed. It tells me he won’t be keeping that promise.

“You’re really going?” I ask.

“I’m really going,” he confirms, and my heart is breaking all over again.

“Come with me.” He says, so quiet I almost don’t catch it.

“What?” I prop myself up on my elbow and search his face.

“Come with me Sass. Let’s make a fresh start somewhere else. You can finish your degree in Sydney.” Excitement blooms on his face, making my heart skip a beat.

“You’d truly want me to come with you?”

“Of course,” he looks at me like I’m crazy. “I told you, I’m not letting you go ever again. Come with me and we can start our lives together, Sassy.”

“I’m not sure,” I hesitate. It’s a big call, asking me to pack up and move away on a whim. Then again, I’ve lived my whole life on a whim.

Colt props himself up on his elbow too, his face becoming more animated as he warms to this idea. “You can do the rest of your degree online if you like. That way, you can do whatever you want for a living without school having a say.”