“Sassy, you’re an idiot.” I murmur to myself. What’s become of me? I’m standing in the rain, behind a tree, in front of Colt’s house. I came here to finally confront him, but as soon as I arrived, I lost my nerve. Again. So instead of confessing my true feelings to Colt before he leaves, I’m hiding behind a tree like some kind of weird stalker.
A wet and soggy stalker at that.
I turn to leave and resolve that I’ll spend the semester break relocating my damn backbone again. This new, softer version of me is rubbish. This is why I don’t ‘do’ feelings. It fucks normal people up and makes them do stupid things.
I’m about to walk away when a voice behind me stops me in my tracks.
“Yes, you are,” Colt says, and I swing around to find him standing there.
“Yes, you’re an idiot.” He says. My mouth falls open with a reply, but the words die on my tongue. Is he about to say everything I’ve been afraid of? That he hates me and to never turn up on his doorstep again? That I’m not better than his stalker, Dani?
“You’re an idiot for walking away from me. But you know what?” He takes a small step towards me, although he’s still at a distance. He’s only wearing a pair of shorts, no shirt over his hard chest, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s cold as the rain sluices over his body.
“I’m an even bigger idiot for letting you go.”
My eyes snap up to meet his. Did I hear that right? It doesn’t sound like the start of a rant about how much he hates me. Hope grows inside of me, making my pulse quicken, but I try to keep my feelings in check. He might still tell me to fuck off.
“It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” I surprise myself by speaking honestly.
“Then why did you do it?” Colt asks, hurt flashing across his face. He takes another small step towards me again.
“Because I’m bad for you,” I admit. “Staying away is the best thing I can do if I want you to have a good life.”
“No,” Colt shakes his head, his brows lowering. “You staying away from me has nearly killed me, Sass. I need you.”
“But you’re leaving me.” I say in confusion. He must be lying. If he cares so much, then why is he running away?
Colt takes another step. He’s inching closer so slowly it’s like he thinks I’m a flight risk. Perhaps I am. This conversation might be too painful to have.
“I’m not leavingyou. I’m leavingherebecause you broke up with me, and you moved on with someone else. If I have to keep seeing you without being allowed to touch you, I’ll go crazy.” His voice cracks with emotion and I swallow the thick lump that’s forming in my throat.
“You’re running away because of me?” I ask, unsure I’m understanding this correctly.
“I don’t know what else to do,” Colt sighs. The rain gets heavier. Large drops are falling on both of us, soaking my clothes through and streaming down Colt’s body. But we stay still. We don’t run from the rain. Hope burns deep inside of me, uncurling and growing like a weed through my body. I want to open myself to Colt completely. I want to lay bare my feelings for him and in this moment, I’m no longer afraid of being rejected. Because I realise now that you can’t break a heart that’s already broken. I’ve got nothing left to lose.
I take the last steps to close the gap between us until we’re close enough that I can feel the heat from him. I look up into his eyes, blinking away the raindrops as they assault my face. Rivulets caress his face, water dripping from his nose, but still he doesn’t move.
“I love you,” I say simply. “I’ve never been in love before and it fucking hurts and I’m scared. And I can’t seem to stop loving you. I can’t get over you.”
I hold my breath, waiting for him to potentially destroy me with his next words.
“Did you just declare your love for me while standing in the rain? How very romantic of you.” He’s smiling, and relief floods through me. He’s talking like Colt again. My Colt.
Laughter bubbles out of me and I look up at the rain, letting it splash on my face. I stretch my hands out by my sides, catching the drops in my palms.
“I’ll do all the romance in the world if it means you’ll forgive me.” I shout over the downpour.
Colt reaches out and yanks me to him.
“Fuck I love you.” He growls before his mouth crashes down onto mine.
We don’t need to say anything else. All the hurt and anger, love and desire, is communicated through the heat of our mouths and the electricity from our contact. My knees go weak, and his arms are around me in an instant. Without pushing him away, I accept his support.