Sassy folds her arms across her chest and glowers at me, not answering.

“Well,” I say. “I’ve caught you once and now Mr Denning has, too. You mustn’t be good at it.”

Sassy arches an eyebrow. “Yeah? How many fidget toys were in that box?”

I notice she’s no longer playing with the fidget toy and I don’t know if she put it back in the box or not.

“You didn’t …” I hesitate.

Sassy reaches into her back pocket and pulls out the toy.

“Fuck me,” I laugh in shock. “Do I need to do inventory after your shifts?”

“You can just frisk me on the way out.” She deadpans, not breaking eye contact, and I swallow hard.

“Are you going to show me what to do or what?”

I clear my throat, pushing images of frisking her out of my mind.

“Come this way.” I answer.

Half an hour later I’ve shown Sassy all there is to know about working in the shop. There isn’t a lot to explain, it’s a pretty simple job. Aside from the rules surrounding the sale of tobacco and gambling products, everything is straightforward.

On quiet mornings like this, I would get some study done, but today I want to keep chatting to Sassy. Not that she’s a big talker or anything, giving me one-word answers to all my questions. But I’m intrigued by her and determined to get her to thaw out.

“Do you have plans tonight?” I ask.

“Yep,” Sassy is inspecting her fingernails, that are painted a deep purple.

“What are you up to?” I prod.


“So, you already have a job?”


“That’s tough. Working two jobs in one day.”


I shake my head, smiling. This girl is impossible.

“Yo Colt!” I look up and see Kobe entering the shop. “Got any Gatorade … ohhhhh, hello there.” Kobe stops when he notices Sassy standing next to me.

“I’m Kobe.” He sticks his hand out towards her, but Sassy just looks at it, then walks off to the other end of the store.

“Playing hard to get, I see.” Kobe smirks at her back and then turns towards me and winks. He saunters over to the fridge and pulls a Gatorade from it.

“My head is pounding, man,” he complains as he puts the drink on the counter for me to ring up. “I need this so we can go again tonight.”

“What’s tonight?” I ask as I scan the drink.

“Dude, don’t tell me you forgot Hammers’ birthday?”

I groan as I put the card machine on the counter for Kobe to tap.

“Yeah, I forgot.” I admit.