“Wanna come in for a while?”

I look down the street and frown. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Britt’s dad and I have bad blood between us, and he has made it crystal clear that he doesn’t want me to have anything to do with his daughter. That’s why I sneak visits when I know he’s at work. Nothing can keep me away from this kid. Gav’s a good dad, but he’s solo parenting, so I like to help Brittany when I can.

“Okay.” Britt looks down at her feet in disappointment and a pang shoots through my chest. I also spent a lot of time on my own at her age, and I remember how lonely it was. Against my better judgement, I change my mind.

“Alright squirt,” I say. “I’ll come in for a while. But we have to keep our ears open for the sound of his car, okay?”

“Yay!” Brittany squeezes me tight in another hug and then leads the way towards the house. “If you need to escape, jump over the back fence. Mr Franks is never home, anyway.”

I laugh and follow her inside. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”



Iyawn and look at my watch again. I’ve been on the early shift for a couple of hours and it’s always slow on weekends. Mornings are rush hour at any other newsagency, but on campus, it’s dead before noon. That’s because most students are nursing hangovers on a Saturday. Just like my roommates were when I left the house this morning. I had FOMO last night when I had to stay home to study. But one look at their green faces and sore heads as I was heading out this morning made sure I was no longer feeling any regret.

It’s mid-morning when the boss turns up unannounced. This is unusual, as I have only ever seen him a handful of times since I’ve been working here. Even more surprising is the familiar figure standing behind him. It’s the purple-haired shoplifter from the other day.

Mr Denning greets me, but my attention is on the mysterious girl. When she looks up, I can see the surprise on her face.

“You work here?” She asks.

“You two know each other?” Mr Denning looks between us.

“No. Our paths crossed a few days ago, that’s all.” I grin at her.

“Okay, well, Colt, this is Sassy. I need you to show her the ropes.”

“You’re working here now?” I try not to show how pleased that makes me.

Mr Denning clears his throat, seeming uncomfortable. “Just for a while. Paying off a debt kind of situation.”

Sassy smirks at me from behind Mr Denning.

“Anyway, can I trust you to keep an eye on her, Colt?”

I smother my smile. “Sure thing, boss.”

“Thanks, I’ll leave you to it then.” Mr Denning makes a hasty retreat and I’m left alone with the purple-haired beauty.

“Sassy?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Short for Saskia,” she answers automatically, as though she gets this question a lot.

“I like it. Something tells me you live up to the name.”

She rolls her eyes at me, confirming that my guess is correct.

“So, what’s this all about?” I ask.

Sassy walks up to the counter. She shrugs and picks up a fidget toy from a display box near the register.

“I got caught nicking some stuff, and he made me a deal. Work off the debt and he won’t go to the police.”

I can’t help but chuckle at that. “How often do you steal shit from here?”