“He’s trying on some bullshit about me not turning up for my last shift. I gave enough notice and did everything right, but then he rostered me on for a random shift after my end date. I think it was intentional to get out of paying me, the cheapskate.”

“He can’t keep your money. It’s yours and you earned it.”

I nod and pop a carrot slice into my mouth.

“What are you doing about it?” Colt presses. I give him a sly smile but don’t answer.

“Sassy,” Colt stops eating and looks at me warily. “You won’t do anything stupid, will you?”

“Define stupid.” I shrug nonchalantly.

“Sassy, tell me.” He warns.

“I know where he keeps the cash in the club. I’m just going to take what’s owed to me.”

“You’re going to steal from a strip club? That’s a terrible idea.”

“It’s not stealing when it’s rightfully mine.”

“True,” Colt says, taking a bite of his sandwich and chewing thoughtfully. “But I’m pretty sure Darren won’t see it that way.”

“Probably not,” I admit. “I’ll just make sure I’m not caught.”

“I’m coming with you.” Colt states, and I shake my head.

“No, I’ll do it alone.”

“No way. I’m not letting you do something so dangerous on your own. I’d try to talk you out of the idea, but I know there’s no point.”

“You know me so well,” I nudge his shoulder. “Aren’t we on a ban from seeing each other outside of school hours? That didn’t last long.”

“This is different.” Colt’s face has grown serious. “I’m coming with you, end of story.”

“Okay,” I concede. I’m not one to accept offers of help from anyone, and Colt knows I hate a knight in shining armour. But this could make things a lot easier, so I don’t fight it.

I hear a noise behind us and turn my head to find Dani standing there. Where the fuck did she come from? This girl gives me chills sometimes.

“What do you want?” I snap, and Colt turns to see who I’m speaking to.

“I come in peace.” She holds up her hands, her eyes flicking back and forth between me and Colt. “I want to apologise, that’s all.”

I squint up at her, not liking that she’s towering over me while I’m stretched out on the grass, but I also don’t want to show her the respect of me standing up to talk to her.

“What are you apologising for? The rumours you’ve spread about Colt being your boyfriend? Or for getting the whole student body to bully me and call me a whore? Or, wait, is it because you put in a formal complaint about me and Colt to the dean, stating I’m no good for him?”

“All of it. I’m sorry.” Dani fidgets with the hem of her shirt, but something about her seems off. She doesn’t seem all that sorry. She glances at Colt again, clearly waiting for him to accept her lame olive branch.

“I don’t care what you’ve said about me, but it was a nasty move to drag Sassy like that. You don’t know what you’ve put her through.” Colt says, and finally, a look of shame passes briefly over Dani’s features. I don’t want to admit she got to me, so I cut in.

“It’s fine. Apology accepted. Now run along.” I flap my hands, shooing her away.

“I really am sorry.” Dani says, but she’s looking at Colt, not me.

Colt glances at me. He wants to say more, but he can see by my face I don’t want him to. He stays silent for a beat, probably fighting an internal battle. Eventually he sighs.

“It’s okay Dani, thanks for saying sorry. Just maybe lay off a little, okay?”

Dani nods, looking relieved. “Thanks Colt. I’ll see you around?”