“Because I was already a bad boy when you met me,” he winks. “So I was already astray.”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes at him.

“Seriously though,” Chase leans in closer to me. I can smell the beer on his breath. “We’re the same Sass, that’s why we were good together. You don’t belong with someone like Colt. It won’t work. You’ll keep destroying his life until eventually he has nothing left.”

I want to tell him to go fuck himself, but fear uncurls inside of my stomach, travelling through my body like wisps of smoke. The insecurity I was feeling earlier about ruining Colt’s life is bubbling back to the surface. Chase is being a mean drunk right now, but this isn’t coming from nowhere. It means he can see my bad influence on Colt as clearly as everyone else seems to see it. From the moment Colt and I hooked up, we’ve had people telling us it’s a bad idea. And as much as I want to ignore them, the proof that they might be right is showing. Colt certainly wasn’t skipping lectures, failing classes or getting fired before he met me.

“That’s not true.” I jut my chin at Chase, but even I can hear the doubt in my voice.

“It is, and you know it.” He leans in further still, his face almost touching mine, and I take a step back. I need to escape the mirror he’s holding up to my face. Just as I’m thinking this, I see Colt across the room, and he’s spotted me too. A dark cloud settles across his features as he heads over to us. I realise how this looks. Chase is leaning in close to me while I’m leaning away, looking upset. He must think Chase is harassing me.

“What’s going on?” Colt growls as he reaches us, fists clenched by his side.

I go to say it’s nothing, but Chase moves between me and Colt.

“Sass and I were just having a little chat about how we’re so much more suited together than you two are.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Colt seethes. Before I can speak, Chase is talking again, right up in Colt’s face.

“I’m talking about how me and Sassy are the same. And how you should run along and find yourself a wholesome cheerleader or something and leave Sassy with her own type.”

“Her own type? What is this bullshit?” Colt looks past Chase to me “Sass?”

I open my mouth to reassure him, wanting to tell him that Chase is just being a drunken idiot, but I hesitate. I can’t shake the fact that everything he’s said so far is true. Colt sees my hesitation and his brows drop. He looks back to Chase, his face thunderous.

“Mind your own fucking business, rich boy, and move away from my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” Chase laughs. “Sassy isn’t anyone’s girlfriend. She won’t get tied down to just one guy.” He leans in close to Colt. “She likes them all.”

Without warning, Colt swings his fist and connects squarely on Chase’s jaw, sending him reeling backwards into me. I’m thrown back against the bar and as I put my arms out to steady myself, I knock all the drinks flying. They smash to the ground. Chase recovers quickly and lunges at Colt, driving him backwards into the crowd. People jump out of the way and they tumble to the floor, fists flying. Girls around them squeal while some guys run towards the action, egging them on and pulling out their phones to film the scuffle. More punches land before security arrives and pulls them off each other.

“Let’s go.” The one holding onto Colt’s arms says, and he marches him towards the exit. I grab my bag from where it had fallen to the floor and follow them. As I walk, I glance back in time to see the other security guard has released his hold on Chase’s arms and is helping brush down his clothes. I shake my head. Rich guys like Chase don’t get kicked out of bars for fighting. They get helped to their feet, their next round of drinks on the house. While whoever was stupid enough to fight them is thrown out the door.



I’m storming down the street after being turfed onto the sidewalk. I’m trying to put distance between me and those security guards because right now all I want to do is force my way back in there and have it out with Chase again. Sassy calls out to me, and when she catches up and puts her hand on my shoulder, I swing around fast. Fury is running through my veins.

“Are you ok?” she asks.

“I’m fine.” I bite out.

“I’m sorry about the things he said. He’s not normally an asshole like that. He’s really drunk.”

“You’re defending him?”

“No!” Her eyes widen. “I’m just saying it’s not worth spending any energy on what he was saying, because it was all drunken crap.”

“Oh yeah? Then why did it seem like you agreed with everything he was saying when I asked you?” A vision of her expression flashes through my mind. When Chase said that bullshit, I had expected Sassy to tell him to go to hell. But when I looked at her, it seemed like she agreed with him. Which hurt way more than any of the punches thrown at me tonight.

“Colt, I don’t think I’m suited to Chase or that you and I shouldn’t be together. I only hesitated because he was saying all the things I’ve been upset about, like that I’m bad for you.”

“Oh, come on Sassy.” I run a frustrated hand through my hair. “We talked about this. We even cleared it up before we came out tonight! You need to let that stuff go.”

“I can’t,” she twists her hands together. “It’s one thing to be insecure within yourself, but when someone else voices it out loud, it hits harder. But I want to believe he’s wrong, Colt. We can work through this.”

“Work through this?” I repeat as the blood runs cold through my veins. “So now we’ve got problems that needworking through?”