“I wish,” she answers, pushing my hand off her ass. “But I need this job now that I’ve quit my other one.”

“You don’t even get paid for this one. It all goes back to Mr Denning.”

“That debt is almost square now. I’m going to ask if I can stay on as a paid employee.”

I nod. I love that idea. Working with Sassy just means more time spent with her. And if I’m lucky, more time spent in the storeroom.

When we arrive at the shop, we’re surprised to find Mr Denning there. He rarely shows up on site, preferring to communicate with us via email or notes left on the counter.

“Hi Mr Denning.” I greet him as we approach the counter, but the look on his face makes me falter. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m afraid I have to let you both go.” His words are an apology, but the tone of his voice is not.

“What?” My mouth falls open.

“Why?” Sassy asks, her voice flinty.

Mr Denning narrows his eyes at her, the corner of his lip curling. “I’m sure if you think about it hard enough, you’ll know exactly why.”

“You can’t fire us and then try to make us guess why.” Sassy rolls her eyes.

“You left the front counter unattended on your last shift.”

An uneasy feeling settles over me.

“That’s right,” he glares at me, then turns back to Sassy. “You sex crazed kids clearly didn’t remember the security camera in the storeroom.”

I feel the blood drain from my face. Sassy makes a startled noise next to me.

“You didn’t view the footage, did you?” She asks, cringing. But we already know the answer to that.

“I keep a very close eye on my shop. I see everything. The depravity of you two, doing that in my storeroom.” He spits. Sassy crosses her arms across her chest, looking uncomfortable with what this man has seen.

“But what I’m most upset about is you leaving the front counter unattended. It’s the first rule of working here and the most important one. You were gone for almost thirty minutes. How many people could have taken things?”

“Did someone do that?” I ask, scared of the answer. Guilt floods through me. I’ll be upset if someone has stolen from Mr Denning under my guard.

“No. We were lucky this time. But I won’t risk it happening again. I want you both gone immediately.”

“But …” I want to plead for my job. Ask him to roster us on different shifts if he needs to for peace of mind that we won’t do it again. But he holds up a hand to stop me from speaking. He’s not in a negotiating mood.

“Enough, Colt. I’m not surprised she did something so crass,” he says, jerking his thumb at Sassy. “But I expected more from you. I thought you were trustworthy and reliable.”

I want to defend myself, but the way he speaks about Sassy as though she’s trash makes me see red. I don’t want to work for him, anyway.

“Whatever. Your loss.” I grit out, my jaw ticking.

“This is all my fault, Mr Denning. Let Colt keep his job.” Sassy looks worried, but I shake my head at her.

“Forget it, Sass. I don’t want it. Let’s go.”

“Sorry,” she says one last time to Mr Denning as I pull her out of the shop with me.

When we get outside, I walk fast to put distance between me and Mr Denning. I know I fucked up. I’m entirely in the wrong. But I’m so goddamn sick of everyone treating Sassy like she’s nothing more than dirt. Of course he’s angry at her. But it’s the way he spoke about her that has me fuming.

“Colt, slow down.” Sassy pulls on my arm when we get around the corner and I slow my speed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have forced you into the storeroom.”

“Don’t be crazy. I did nothing against my will.”