I walk into the kitchen, and my smile disappears when I see my friends’ faces. They’re sitting at the table, except for Devon. He’s busy cleaning the mess I made last night.

The lamb roast was a disaster and after picking at the dry meat, we moved on to dessert. Which we ate in my bedroom—off each other’s bodies. The dishes and mess we left behind forgotten until now. I assume that’s why the boys are looking so unimpressed with me.

“Sorry,” I say, picking up a plate from the table. “We got side-tracked before I cleaned up after myself.”

“We don’t care about the mess,” Teddy sighs. “We care about you throwing your degree away.”

“Huh?” I put the plate back down, confused.

“Mate, don’t get us wrong,” Kobe chimes in from his place at the table. “College is fun and we all enjoy partying our way through it.”

“But we think you’re taking it a bit too far.” Devon finishes for him as he picks up a bowl of wilted veggies and scrapes them into the bin.

“Taking what too far?” My brow creases as I try to follow what’s happening.

“The partying. Skipping classes.” Teddy says, and I can’t help but laugh.

“You guys are saying I party too hard? Where was I last night when you were out drinking? I can smell the booze on you from here.”

“Yeah, but even when we’re hungover, we don’t cut our classes.” Devon says. “And none of us are flunking out.”

“I’m not flunking out.” I scoff. They’re being ridiculous.

“You are. You told us yourself that even Pritchard is worried about you.”

“Pritchard has a vendetta against Sassy. It’s nothing to do with my grades.”

“But what have you done since he told you to lift your marks? You missed another exam the other day! The professor told us if we didn’t show up we’d fail the class.” Teddy shakes his head.


I run a hand over my face. I forgot about that test I missed. My plan was to contact the professor with my excuses and ask for a make-up test. But then I caught up with Sassy and forgot all about it.

“Colt, we really like Sassy. But do you think you’re putting a bit too much time into her? No chick is worth failing out on your last year. You’ve done all the hard work to get here.” Devon implores, picking up another dirty dish to scrape.

“She’s not ‘some chick’. And she’s not the reason I’m flunking out.” I say through gritted teeth. If I have another person tell me Sassy isn’t good for me, I’ll snap. Why can’t people see she’s the exact opposite of bad for me? She’s the best thing that’s ever happened in my life.

“I dunno, man,” Kobe shrugs. “You were doing fine until you started hanging out with Sassy. Now, all you do is go out drinking with her. We never see you anymore, not even in class.”

“So, what’s this, an intervention? Because I’ve got a girlfriend and you guys miss your drinking buddy?”

“We don’t mean to be killjoys.” Teddy says calmly. “We’re just saying watch what you’re doing. Sassy doesn’t care if she flunks out, but you do. This degree is important to you. Don’t fuck it up now.”

I stare at each of them, my jaw twitching. I can’t believe my best buddies are trying to give me a lecture about this crap.

“I’m a big boy,” I say in measured tones. “I can take care of myself just fine. So, stop worrying about me and my grades. I’ve got it all under control.”

I turn and walk from the room without a further word. I stew the entire way to the shower. But there’s a small voice in my head telling me they might have a point.

* * *

After a long day of lectures, it’s time to go to work. I’m not complaining though, because Sassy is rostered on, too. I can see her waiting for me outside of campus, so I come up behind her and grab her around the waist, nuzzling her neck. She lets out a squeak of surprise, then turns around and kisses me.

“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” I tell her, and it’s true. The image of her laying on my bed naked, blindfolded, with her wrists bound above her head will live in my head rent free forever.

“All good thoughts, I hope,” she says, as we walk towards work.

“Fantastic thoughts.” I give her bum a quick squeeze. “So good that I’m tempted to blow off work and take you home.”