I laugh as Colt flicks his imaginary long locks at me. I take another sip of wine.

“I can just imagine you spinning around the pole.”

“You might need to give me a few private lessons first.” Colt grins wolfishly.

“Hmmm, I can imagine that going well.” I say sarcastically.

A timer goes off and Colt peers into the oven. He frowns, then rifles through a recipe book.

“Uh oh,” he mutters.

“What’s wrong?”

“Uhhh,” Colt closes the recipe book and spins back around to me, his face sheepish. “I misread the timing of the roast.”

“How wrong did you get it?” I ask, trying not to laugh.

“I thought it said half an hour in the oven. Turns out, it’s half an hourper five hundred grams of meat.”

“And how many grams of meat did you buy?”

“Two and a half kilos.” He admits, and I burst out laughing.

“Colt! That’s two and a half hours in the oven. Not half an hour!”

“I’m sorry.” He looks crestfallen. “I wanted this to be perfect for you.”

I get up and go to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “It’s still perfect. Do you know why?”

“Why?” He asks, as he puts his arms around my waist.

“Because now we have two whole hours to spend doing whatever we please.” I pull his head to mine, kissing him in a way that’ll leave no doubt what I’ve got in mind.

“Hmmmm,” he murmurs, pulling away and trailing a finger gently down my cheek. “That sounds like a good silver lining.”

I take his hand from my cheek and pull him towards the small table. “We could go straight to dessert, served right here.” I sit on the edge of the table, pulling him in for another kiss.

“No, not here.” Colt pulls out of my embrace. “I want you in my bed for a change.”

“The table might be more fun, though.” I run my hand over the wood, attempting to make it look sexy. But even to me, it makes no sense. I don’t know why I’m so reluctant to go to his bed. I’ve fucked in beds before, but only with no strings attached. This, tonight, being here with Colt seems so serious. I like our usual trysts in random public places, with no time to think or feel. Right now, the air is heavy with emotion and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.

“Nope.” Colt wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him so I’m off the table and standing again. “Not tonight, Sass. Tonight, it’s on my terms.”

“You know I like to be in control.” I pout, trying not to sound like a petulant child.

“Too bad,” Colt says mildly but firmly. He takes my hand and my pulse quickens as we walk up the stairs. My nerves have come back tenfold. I haven’t had enough wine for this.

We reach a closed door and Colt opens it, standing aside so I can walk in first. I gasp when I step over the threshold.

Candles cover every surface of Colt’s bedroom, their flames dancing in the soft glow they create. And there’s something scattered over the bedcovers.

“Are these rose petals?” I ask, walking over and picking one up. I let it slip through my fingers and watch as it drops softly back to the bed.

Colt wraps his arms around me from behind. “Sorry for the cheesy romance, but I wanted it to be special.”

I swallow. Candles, rose petals - this is definitely out of my comfort zone.

“It’s dangerous to have left the candles lit this whole time, isn’t it?” It’s the only thing I can think to say. Colt spins me around to face him.