“Yeah. Well. I guess the rules are different for people who choose to be strippers.” She grimaces and then changes the subject. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Studying. I have a test tomorrow.” I look at her closely. Is that disappointment on her face that she’s trying to hide? “How come?”

“Thought we could go out. Have fun, forget about the drama for a bit.”

She looks hopeful. But she has the same prickly energy as she did after seeing her mum. I know if she goes out in this mood, it’s going to end with her puking in bushes again. Not that I’m judging. Heck, we’re in college, partying is part of the experience. But when she’s drinking to escape pain or forget her life, that changes the vibe of things considerably. Sassy doesn’t need a night out. She needs supportive people in her life. I get an idea.

“My roomies are out tonight, at some party. Why don’t you come over to my place and I’ll cook dinner? Stay in for a change?”

“Sounds boring,” Sassy scoffs. “Let’s hit the clubs.”

“Come on.” I rub her arm with my thumb. “It’d be nice to hang out in a house for a change. You know, with a bed and everything, instead of a wall in a nightclub.”

Sassy quirks an eyebrow at me. Yeah, okay, I’m being forward, but after all the times we’ve been together so far, I can’t believe we’ve never once had sex in an actual bed.

“Fine,” she relents, a smile playing on her lips. “But there better be alcohol.”

“As you wish,” I say, grinning. Forget about the test tomorrow, I’ll wing it. My excitement for a night in with Sassy outweighs any thoughts of studying.



Colt opens the front door with a flourish, a grin on his face that stretches ear to ear.

“Come in, come in.” He says, kissing me on the cheek and then leading me inside. He takes me to the kitchen where I can see he’s set the table for us. There are candles flickering and a single rose in a glass coke bottle sits in the middle.

“This is fancy,” I say, taking it all in. My fingers are fiddling with the hem of my cotton shift dress. I’ll never admit it to him, but I’m quite nervous. It’s too much like a proper date, a romantic one at that, and it’s out of my comfort zone.

“I bought wine!” Colt exclaims, as though he only just remembered. He picks up an open bottle of red wine from the table and pours out two large glasses. I take one from him gratefully, and have a large sip, willing my nerves to settle down. It’s just Colt. The guy I’ve been spending so much time with lately. The guy I’ve been sleeping with and hanging out with. Candles and flowers in the room don’t change who he is.

“What’s cooking?” I ask, craning my neck to see the oven behind him.

“Lamb roast,” he boasts proudly.

“Impressive.” I raise my eyebrows.

“Well, I’ve never actually made one before, but I figure how hard can it be?” He grins at me, and it helps soften my nerves.

“Take a seat while I check on it.” Colt pulls a chair out for me, and I sit, putting my wine down on the small table.

I glance around. It’s a typical frat boy house and while the area we’re in is neat, the telltale piles of books and paper shoved into the corner are evidence he did a quick tidy before I came. It makes me smile to imagine him cleaning just for me. I watch his back as he fusses at the bench. His earnestness pulls at my heartstrings, which is weird, because that is the exact type of behaviour that used to make me run a mile from a guy. What is it about Colt that’s got under my skin?

“I told The Nest that I’m quitting.” I announce, and Colt swings around to face me.

“How did that go?”

“Darren was more upset than I expected him to be. He’s offered me a solo if I stay.”

“Damn,” Colt mutters, leaning back against the kitchen bench. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

“Yeah.” I shrug and take a sip of my wine. “Only so I can pay my debts off faster. But the strip club was never a long-term plan. I’m not upset about leaving. I’m just pissed it wasn’t my choice.”

“It’s weird the university can dictate what you do for a living.”

“I bet they don’t have a problem with any jobs the males have.”

“Reckon I should take your job at the club and see what they say? I’d be an awesome stripper.”