“You’re not unlovable to me,” I whisper.

Standing up, I take the throw blanket on the end of her bed and cover her up. I find a trashcan in the corner and move it next to her bed in case she gets sick in the night. Then I take a bottle of water from the mini-fridge under her desk and place it on her bedside table.

I sit down on her desk chair, settling in. I’ll wait until Taylor gets home before I leave, in case Sassy wakes up and needs help.

I look around her room, taking it in. So, this is where Sassy Bennett lives? There are clothes strewn around, textbooks on the desk…all standard stuff for the room of a uni student. I’m not sure what I was expecting. She’s such an extraordinary girl that I guess I half-expected her to come from some magical place.

She lets out a soft snore, and I grin. Even snoring, she’s still magical to me.



Iknock on Sassy’s door after she buzzes me up. I can hear shuffling inside before the lock turns. By the time I enter, she’s already shuffled back to her bed.

“How are you feeling?” I ask, trying not to laugh as she groans and pulls the covers over her head.

“What the hell happened last night?” She croaks. I dump all my things on the desk.

“What’s all that?” Sassy peeks out from beneath her bedcovers.

“Flowers to cheer you up.” I say as I jam them into a cup and try to make them balance on the desk. “Plus my laptop, loaded up with my favourite romcoms. And last, but definitely not least, a Gatorade and greasy food.”

“Finally, something worth bringing over.” Sassy pulls herself up on the bed and holds her hands out for the burger bag and Gatorade. I set up my laptop while she eats, then I sit on the bed beside her. Even with her smudged makeup and her hair everywhere, she looks adorable.

“Don’t you have classes today?” She asks, as though it’s only now dawning on her it’s a weekday.

“The morning ones aren’t that important. I’ll go to the afternoon ones.” I shrug and point at the empty burger wrapper. “Did that help?”

“Yeah, thanks.” Sassy flops back against her pillows. “I don’t even remember getting home last night.”

“Do you remember puking in the bushes when we got out of the Uber?” I nudge her foot from my position on the bed.

“Ugh. Yeah. I remember that. I must have done a real number on myself because I don’t normally puke.”

“You were smashing back those shots pretty fast.”

Sassy nods, and I swear she turns a shade of green at the mention of alcohol.

“I think maybe you were upset about your mum?” I gently suggest.

Sassy shrugs one shoulder. “A bit, I guess. She was the last nail in an awful couple of weeks, to be honest.”

I watch her pick some invisible lint from the bedspread. My heart constricts for her. She’s right, it’s been really rough lately. With the whole campus bullying her, the dean telling her to quit her job and her mum giving her zero support, no wonder she let loose.

“Did I tell you some of the guys from uni keep turning up to the club to watch me dance now? Thanks to Dani, they all know where I work and wanted to see it for themselves.”

“No you didn’t. Are they okay when they’re there?” Sassy has never had an issue with people she knows watching her strip, but if they’re only there to mock her I’ll be furious.

“They went overboard with the whistles at the start, trying to put me off. But they must have liked what they saw because they’ve been fine since. Anyway,” she looks up at me and wipes her face clean of any emotion. “I can handle it. I only needed to blow off some steam last night, that’s all.”

“Yeah, fair enough.” I mumble, but I hate she doesn’t talk to me honestly about this stuff. None of it’s okay, and she can’t keep handling it on her own. I wish she’d stop acting strong and stoic all the time and open up.

“What movies did you load up for us?” She juts her chin at my laptop. “I hope there’s an action movie on there.”

“Nope,” I grin. “It’s going to be another lesson in romcoms for you. First up, Ten Things I Hate About You.”

Sassy groans loudly and slips down underneath her covers while I laugh. I know she’ll complain the whole time, but secretly, she’ll love it.