“Stop feeling sorry for me.”


“Stop. Okay? It is what it is. Anyway, it could’ve been worse. At least she wasn’t abusive or anything.”

“Sass, I’d count that as abusive.”

“Ugh, enough with the dramatics.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Come on, let’s do another shot.” I let her lead me to the bar, but again, she doesn’t realise I skip the shot. I’m too busy watching her, with a strong desire to protect this girl at all costs.

An hour later, I lead a stumbling Sassy out onto the sidewalk. I’ve never seen her this drunk before. My heart hardens further against her mum. Sassy can pretend she doesn’t care about her, but I can see the pain and hurt in her eyes.

Our Uber pulls up to the curb and I help her climb in. The driver heads towards her dorm building and Sassy smiles at me through blurry eyes. She runs her fingers up my thigh.

“Ever gotten kinky in the back of a cab?” She asks.

“No,” I say gently and put my hand over hers to stop it reaching my crotch. “And I’m not about to.”

“Spoil sport.” She pouts and sits back in her seat, closing her eyes. After a minute, her eyes fly open, and she cracks the window a bit.

“Are we nearly home?” She asks, and the way she’s swallowing sends alarm bells to my brain. I know that feeling. She’s trying hard not to vomit. Thankfully, the Uber pulls up in front of her dorm a few seconds later. Sassy throws the door open, stumbles out onto the pavement and vomits loudly into the bushes nearby.

I wave the Uber off, and go over to Sassy, rubbing gentle circles on her back as she heaves up what looks like everything she’s had to eat or drink in a week.

When she’s done, she straightens up and wipes her mouth with a shaky hand.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” She mutters and totters off towards her building.

“Are you ok?” I ask, catching up to her.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She fishes around in her tote and pulls out a set of keys. I take them from her hand and unlock the door for her. We’re halfway up the stairs to her room when she seems to notice that I’m still following behind her.

“You’re not supposed to be here after curfew. Girls only.” She wags her finger at me and stumbles a bit on the steps. “Kinda sexist in this day and age, doncha think?”

I hold her elbow to stop her from tripping up the stairs. We reach her door and she makes three failed attempts to get her key in the lock. I grin and unlock it for her again. She throws the door wide open and walks in. I follow her, closing the door behind me.

Sassy sits heavily on her bed and kicks her shoes off. They sail through the air, landing on the other bed, which is empty.

“Taylor’s not here?” I observe.

Sassy squints over at the empty bed.

“Guess not.” She mumbles and falls back onto her pillow. I lift her feet onto the bed for her, then sit down beside her.

“Are you okay?” I ask softly, brushing a strand of hair off her forehead.

“Why do you keep asking that?” She closes her eyes and nestles her cheek into the palm of my hand.

“Because you just vomited everything you’ve ever eaten into the bushes outside of your dorm?”

Sassy lets out a little laugh, but doesn’t open her eyes. I watch her for a moment, my hand still on her cheek. She mumbles something that I can’t make out.

“What did you say?” I ask.

“Why am I so unlovable?” She murmurs, her lashes flitting slightly against her cheeks, but her eyes stay closed.

“What? Sassy, you aren’t unlovable! Why would you say that?” I look at her closely, willing her to answer me, but her breathing has evened out. She’s asleep.

My heart contracts in pain for her. Does she really think she’s unlovable? How could she ever think that? She’s the most amazing human I’ve ever met. I brush my thumb over her pink cheek softly, then I lean down and kiss her forehead.