“That was cold, man.” Dev says as the boys crack up.

“How have I not noticed this before?” I feel like I’m in shock as I slide back into my seat.

“Because you slept with her after you’d had about a million beers.”

“She’s going to be trouble, isn’t she?” I shake my head.

“Yep,” Teddy laughs, delighting in my problems. “Just hook up with someone else tonight and she’ll get the hint.”

“That’s a terrible idea.” I say, looking over at him. “I’ll talk to her. Explain myself.”

The boys snigger.

“Good luck with that plan,” Teddy says.

“Another hook-up isn’t a terrible idea,” Kobe shrugs. “There’s loads of hotties here tonight.”

I look at the crowd and while I can see lots of pretty girls dancing, I find I have zero interest in taking anyone home. Clearly, I can’t trust myself to make good decisions with party hook-ups.

“Nah,” I mutter. “I think I’m done for a while.”

“What do you mean?” Devon asks.

“With chicks. And hook-ups. I think I’ll take a break and lie low for a while. Stay out of trouble.”

The boys laugh even harder now.

“What?” I look around at them all.

“I don’t think there’s been a single weekend this year where you haven’t hooked up with someone,” Kobe gasps.

“As if,” I grumble. My friends are exaggerating. I’m just living a normal college life. Sometimes that means random flings, but sometimes it also means just going out with the lads. Like tonight.

“I can swear off chicks easily, if I want to.” I say, feeling my resolve harden. This is actually a good idea.

“Uh huh,” the boys tease, still laughing amongst themselves.

“I can.”

“Prove it.” Teddy challenges.

“Fine.” I shrug and sit back in my seat. “Watch me.”

“You know what I’d like to watch?” Kobe asks, becoming serious. “Someone getting me a fucking beer. Or do you all think I have a drinking problem?”

“You have a drinking problem.” We all say together and burst out laughing.

“Fuck you guys,” Kobe says, standing up to get himself a drink. He punches my shoulder as he walks past me, but I can see the smile on his face.



At the end of my shift at the campus newsagent, I remember I need a notebook for my analytics class tomorrow. Standing in front of the stand, I’m about to select one when something at the other end of the aisle catches my attention. I notice a girl around my age. She has long hair that goes from jet-black at the top to vibrant purple on the ends. I can’t see her face, but I watch as she shoves a notebook under her jumper, then turns and leaves the shop.

A quick glance back at Lisa behind the counter confirms she hasn’t seen a thing, as she has her head in a book, so I decide to follow the purple-haired girl.

“Hey!” I jog up to her. She wasn’t running, but she covered some distance in that time. She whips around and I stop in my tracks. This girl has the most amazing eyes I’ve ever seen. Right now, they’re glaring at me and I have to remember to blink.