I feel the blood drain out of my face. It must be about the picture.

“Do you think he knows what we did on his desk?” Sassy asks and I swear the entire world tilts. I hadn’t even thought of that.

“Oh God,” I run a hand over my face. “I hope not.”

“Imagine if they had the whole thing on security tape?” Sassy says with a laugh. She’s completely amused by the situation, while I feel like I’m going to be sick.

“Shit,” I mutter. “Do you think they do?”

“I didn’t notice any cameras,” she shrugs. Linking her arm through mine, we walk back to the bowling alley carpark.

“That doesn’t make me feel better.” I mutter. “A herd of elephants could’ve trampled past you on that desk and you wouldn’t have noticed.”

“And whose fault is that?” She bats her eyelashes at me and laughs again. “Relax Colt, it’ll be fine.”

I nod my head and pretend I’m okay, but I already know I won’t be sleeping tonight.



I’m ten minutes early for my meeting with the dean the next morning. As much as I tried to pretend to Sassy that I wasn’t bothered, I’ve been freaking out inside my head. I want to kick myself for being so reckless. I don’t know what came over me.

Well, that’s a lie. I know exactly what came over me. If Sassy tells me to jump, my answer will always be how high. Even if I get expelled, I know I’d do it all again. It doesn’t stop me stressing about being caught, though.

Dean Pritchard would have noticed immediately that his beloved Dalai Lama picture was missing. I expected that. But what didn’t occur to me until this meeting was called, is that as soon as he realised the picture was missing, of course he’d check any security cameras or CCTV footage they have. What if there’s a camera in his office that we didn’t notice? If they watched what Sassy and I did, they’ll kick us both out. How will I explain this one to my sister, Becky? I’d have to lie. I wouldn’t be able to handle the disappointment from her.

Pritchard opens his office door and calls me in. I swallow nervously as I stand, then I walk into the room. It’s hard to keep images of my last visit from flashing through my mind.

“Take a seat.” Dean Pritchard says, as he walks behind his desk. I watch him sit down in the chair I was in just the other night and I clear my throat uncomfortably. The memories burst back into my mind. Sassy, her skirt pushed up, legs wide open and head thrown back in ecstasy. I can still hear the moans that came from her before I clamped my hand over her mouth. The taste of her on my tongue. I clear my throat again, shifting in my seat, and try to erase the thoughts from my mind before I get a boner right here in front of the dean. Something catches my eye and I blink in confusion.

The picture of Dean Pritchard and the Dalai Lama is sitting in the centre of his desk. Where it always is. Sassy must have replaced it before we left the office that night. I smile to myself. She acts like a bad girl, but deep down, I think she’s good. She didn’t steal the photo after all.

“Oh, have you seen that before? It’s me and the Dalai Lama.” Dean Pritchard puffs out his chest when he sees my line of sight.

“It’s an impressive picture.” I indulge him. It can’t hurt to butter him up if I’m in trouble.

“How are you doing, Colt?”

“Uh, good?” His question throws me a bit.

He stares at me a moment, as though waiting for me to elaborate. When I don’t, he talks. “It’s come to my attention that you’ve missed a lot of classes lately. And yesterday,” he looks down at some handwritten notes in front of him. “You missed handing in an assessment.”

“I’ve been sick a lot this semester.” I lie on the spot. “Nothing serious, just a lot of bugs going around.” I give a fake cough to prove my point, but he just stares at me, clearly not believing a word I’m saying.

“Uh,” I avoid eye contact. “With all due respect, but does the dean usually keep such a close eye on student attendance records?”

“No, not usually.” Dean Pritchard smiles and clasps his hands together in front of him on the desk. Right where Sassy was sitting. But I can’t think about that right now.

“I understand you’re in a relationship with Saskia Bennett. Is that right?”

Fuck. My face instantly reddens. He must have footage of us if he knows my connection with her. I’m sure it’s not normal for a dean to know about his student’s relationship status. Unless he’s seen a video of them going at it.

“Yes.” I answer, trying to sound calm.

“Well, I guess it’s probably no surprise to you what she does for a living?”

I nod slowly. If he knows about what we did, I wish he’d just come out with it.