“Why not? She’s clearly down for it.” Devon says. I watch as more people filter into the backyard and the party grows.
“Dunno,” I shrug. “She seems intense and I’m not after anything more than some fun.”
“No fucking kidding she’s intense,” Kobe bursts out laughing. “She’s got crazy eyes. Do you know what that means?”
I look at him, wondering where he’s going with this.
“It means she’s got your wedding planned already,” Teddy fills in and then fist bumps Kobe. Both of them snigger loudly.
“Shut up.” I roll my eyes at them. “It was a one-night stand. It’s not like we’ve gone on a date or anything. She can’t think that means anything serious.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” Devon joins in.
“You too, Dev? Come on man, what’s this about? She’s no different to the other chicks any of us have hooked up with since we started uni. She’s having some fun, just like I am.”
“Bro, we haven’t hooked up with a wedding eyes chick, though.” Dev looks apologetic.
“You really think she has crazy wedding eyes?” I’m feeling uneasy. Just how drunk was I when I bought her home? Dani and I had a casual hook up after a party one night. I promised nothing more. She never asked for it. We just had some fun … right?
“Whatever, man.” I respond, draining my beer. I head towards the keg for another round. Hopefully, the conversation changes before I get back. I fill the cups and then struggle with how to hold them all without spilling.
“Need help?”
I turn my head and am surprised to see Dani has materialised out of nowhere and is standing next to me, batting her eyelids. She takes a beer from my hands.
“Hey Dani,” I say, trying not to sound wary. “How are you?”
“Great. Now.” She says with a grin and then takes a slug from the beer she took off me.
“That’s good.” I give her a tight smile. “I’m just gonna go give these to my mates.”
“Oh, the boys are here?”
Whoa. The boys? She really is getting cosy. Has she even spoken to them before?
“Yeah,” my eyes slide over to where they’re sitting and her gaze follows. “I’ll see you round.”
I head towards my friends, but a moment later I realise she’s following alongside of me.
The amusement is clear on the boys’ faces when Dani and I approach. I hand beers to everyone except Kobe, seeing as Dani is now drinking his.
“Hey!” Kobe protests. “Where’s my beer?”
“You can’t have one because of, you know, the problems you’re having.” I answer, deadpan. He gives me shit for Dani and I’ll dish it straight back out to him.
“Are you ok?” Dani looks at Kobe, concern on her face.
“What?” Kobe is confused.
“You know, your little problem that we’re here to talk about.” I make a drinking gesture with my hand, alluding to Kobe being a drunk, and his mouth falls open.
“Actually,” I turn back towards Dani. “We were just having a D&M with our mate here about his problems. So, is it ok if we catch up a different time?”
Dani’s eyes go wide, her gaze darting between me and Kobe.
“Yes, of course. Of course. Um, be strong, okay?” She says to an angry-looking Kobe. She turns to leave but as she’s about to walk away, she leans in close to me and breathes, “Call me later, baby.”
I almost choke as she sashays away from us.