“It’s obviously that Dani chick.”

“What?” Teddy and I exclaim in unison.

“Her little prank the other night didn’t work. Now she’s going on a smear campaign instead. She must have figured out what I do for a job after she saw my stripper shoes fall out of my bag. You should have seen her face. I swear she thought she caught an STD from touching them.”

“Oh my God,” I say, as it all pieces together.

Sassy crosses her arms and frowns in concentration, thinking hard.

“But she wrote the name of the club on that meme. How did she get from seeing my shoes, to knowing exactly where I work?”

“She’s talked to someone about you,” I say. “Who else knows you work there?”

“A few of my girlfriends do, but they don’t discuss it. You do. Chase does …” Sassy trails off, going quiet. There’s that name again. Chase. The one who told her that Dani was my girlfriend. I feel the penny drop.

“He must have told her.”

For the first time since seeing the meme, Sassy looks upset. “Why would he do that? He’s a friend.”

“A friend who’s trying to get into your pants. If you’ve rejected him, maybe he has a grudge?” I feel like it’s clear what’s happening here, but doubt is all over Sassy’s face.

“I can’t imagine him doing anything to hurt me. And he doesn’t care about my job. So why would he gossip about it?”

“I don’t know.” I shake my head and look around. People are still pointing and whispering as they go past us. Teddy still looks awkward about this entire conversation.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.” I say to her.

“What? Why?” Sassy looks at me in surprise.

“So you don’t have to deal with this bullshit all day?” I wave my hand at a group of students sniggering nearby.

Sassy laughs and puts her hand on my arm. “Colt, you don’t go into stripping without having a thick skin. I knew there’d be backlash if anyone found out what I do. Let them laugh. I’m not ashamed.”

“Are you sure? It’ll die down by tomorrow, but for today, we could just lay low?”

“Of course I’m sure. You think I can’t stand up for myself if anyone has a go? I promise you they’ll come off second best.”

I look at her. She’s right. Good luck to anyone taking Sassy on.

“Okay then, guess I’ll see you after class?”

“Yep.” Sassy adjusts her satchel over her shoulder and walks off to class without looking back.

“Tough chick.” Teddy says, a note of awe in his voice.

“Sure is.”

“I think she has bigger balls than you do.” He says, nudging my shoulder and I laugh.

“I think she might, too.” I agree, watching her walk away.

At lunchtime, I call Sassy to see if she has a break in her schedule, too. I’m surprised when she answers straight away. She must have had her phone in her hand.

“That was quick,” I say.

“I just got off another phone call, then it started ringing again.” She explains. There’s tension in her voice.

“Is everything okay? Are people giving you shit?”