Laying back on the bed, I curse myself when tears prick behind my eyes. Fucking Colt. Why did I get involved with him? He’s someone I’d usually run a mile from, and I wish I’d listened to my instincts from the start.

I hate feeling like this. I hate caring about other people. This is why I don’t do relationships, because you always, always end up feeling shitty. The high of the happy days is definitely not worth the pain of the inevitable bad days. Boys fall all over me until they have me, and then they end up looking for something better.

My phone dings again and I’m tempted to throw it across the room. I haven’t let the tears fall yet and now the anger is taking over. I’m angry at Dani for tackling me to the ground. I’m livid at Colt for making a fool out of me. But mostly, I’m pissed at myself for letting my guard down with him.

I pick my phone up. Ignoring the messages from him, I block his number so he can’t keep annoying me all night. Grabbing my toiletries, I decide to take a shower before I crawl into bed for the evening.



My tummy rumbles as I lie on my bed. It’s mid-morning and I’m alone in my room. Taylor left before I woke up this morning. I’m glad, because I’m not in the mood to tell her about Colt yet.

My classes started early this morning too, but I couldn’t find the motivation to get moving. I’m not lying around crying. No guy is worth my tears, but I’m too tired and angry to sit in a lecture hall trying to absorb information.

Colt must have worked out that I’ve blocked him, because he turned up on the doorstep of my building this morning. I ignored the buzzer when he pressed it. I don’t avoid confrontation, and one day I’ll give him a piece of my mind. But at the end of the day, the asshole has a girlfriend. So what is there to fight about? For now, he’s dead to me, and there’s no point discussing it.

My tummy rumbles again, and I grab my phone and keys. It’s time to get some breakfast and coffee into me. I walk to the main street and visit the bakery and then my favourite coffee shop. The sun warms my skin while I eat my pastry and wait for my coffee to be ready. I appreciate the fresh air, thankful I’m not in a cold lecture hall.

Once my coffee is ready, I clutch the takeaway cup and stroll back towards my dorm. It’s a beautiful day, and I consider taking my schoolbooks to a park to catch up on some reading instead of staying holed up in my room. Just as I’m contemplating what to do, a car pulls up beside me.

“Sassy.” I hear my name. Sighing, I stop where I am on the footpath and turn towards the road. There in his car beside me is Colt, watching me with concern.

“What’s going on?” He asks through the open window.

“Go away, Colt.” I grumble and start walking again. He drives along next to me.

“Why? What have I done to upset you?”

“Nothing.” I answer, and cringe. It looks like I’m one of those girls who refuses to talk about what’s wrong after all.

“Come on Sass, I know you’ve blocked me. Please, just tell me what I did?”

I stop walking again and let out a long stream of air. I don’t feel like speaking to Colt, but I know he won’t leave me alone until we’ve had this out.

“Please Sass? Jump in and we can go somewhere to talk.”

I stare at him, squinting my eyes in the sun. Eventually, I relent.

“Fine.” I get into the passenger seat. I stare straight ahead, sipping on my coffee. Colt watches me for a beat, then he drives in silence. He heads away from campus and up the winding road of the mountain behind our uni. Surely he isn’t, I think to myself. But as we reach the top and he turns left, my mouth drops open and I frown at him.

“Seriously, Colt? I’m not speaking to you. Why would you bring me to a make-out place?”

The winding road opens to a small clearing at the top of the hill. It’s a popular spot in our area. Anyone with a license uses it as a make out spot. Colt pulls up and switches the engine off, then turns to me.

“It’s the only quiet place I can think of to talk.” He says.

“We’re in a car. Everywhere we park is quiet if we keep the windows up.”

“Sorry. Do you want me to drive back to campus and park there?”

I look at his earnest face. He’s trying to make me happy. What an asshole.

“No,” I sigh and take off my seatbelt, getting comfortable. “This is fine.” Besides, I think to myself, no one can hear him scream up here if I get really mad.

“Tell me what I’ve done wrong, Sass. We were fine last night and then you ghost me.”

“As if you haven’t figured out the problem.” I narrow my eyes at him. He should have known from the second I didn’t turn up I had caught him out in his lies. His guilty conscience should send alarm signals to his brain. But he stares at me in complete confusion.