“Yes,” I answer truthfully. “But he never mentioned-wait-are you guys together?”

“Together?” Dani bursts into noisy tears. “Yes, he’s my boyfriend! We’ve been together for over a year. We had a break, but it was only a few days before he was sending me flowers and begging me to come back.”

“I don’t understand,” I say slowly. There’s a loud ringing in my ears. What the fuck is happening? He couldn’t possibly have a girlfriend. We’ve been hanging out openly, without sneaking around. Haven’t we? I think of the places we’ve been together. The deserted beach, the nightclub that he’d never been to before. Oh my God. We haven’t been out with his friends since the night she threw beer on me, or ever gone to his usual drinking spots. Dani sniffles and wipes her nose with the back of her hand.

“I’m going to kill him. I’ll go in there right now and actually kill him.” I say, as it hits me that this girl who I thought was a psycho bitch is actually the victim. I’m the one in the wrong here. Before I can even finish that thought, Dani suddenly rushes me. It’s so unexpected that I don’t even have time to put my arms up in defence. She knocks the wind out of me and tackles me backwards on to the pathway. I land with a thud on the hard concrete, vaguely aware of a sharp pain as my elbow hits the ground.

“What the fuck?” I gasp, pushing her off me. She topples over but gets up and comes at me again. Although I’m still laying on the ground, this time I’m ready for the attack and I kick my leg out as she gets near me. I connect with her stomach and she falls back.

“You stupid bitch!” She screams and dives at me. She’s pulling my hair and scratching at my skin while I try to hold her at arms-length. We roll across the pathway while I try to get her under control.

“Stop it!” I snap, but she keeps attacking, so I slap her hard across the face to break her frenzy. It seems to do the trick, and she sits back, stunned, one hand on her cheek.

“What the hell was that?” I ask, panting. I groan as I pull myself up, sitting next to her on the gutter.

“You’re sleeping with my boyfriend. What did you expect?” She bites out.

“I swear, I never even suspected he has a girlfriend. I’m a lot of things, but I’m not a home wrecker.” I hold my hands up to convey my innocence. There are a million guys out there. Why would I go after one that’s already attached? I hate drama, so I’m certainly not going to invite it into my life. Dani’s shoulders sag slightly, the fight knocked out of her finally. I’m glad she seems to believe what I’m saying.

“Your stuff is everywhere,” she says, pointing to my open tote that’s lying in the gutter. I sigh and start collecting the things that have fallen out.

“Is this yours?” Dani has picked up one of my stilettos. “Fancy.”

I take it from her and push it into my bag. One of my thigh-high boots is missing. Goddamn it. I spot it on the grass behind us. Dani sees it at the same time and leans over to grab it. She holds it up, frowning as she looks at it.

“What the hell do you do for work?” She asks, a note of distaste in her voice.


I’ve never lied about my job before, but something is off about this girl and my instincts are screaming not to give her any personal information.

I finish throwing my belongings into my bag and stand up. Reaching down, I help Dani to her feet as well. I don’t like her, but I feel bad about destroying her relationship.

“Colt’s a dirtbag,” I say to her. “The sooner we forget about him, the better.”

Something changes in Dani’s expression. She smiles, but it isn’t friendly. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I’d like what?”

“For me to break up with him and leave him all to you.” She snarls.

“You won’t break up with him over this?” I’m shocked. If that was my boyfriend, I’d ruin him.

“Of course not. He’s mine and I’m keeping him.”

I raise my eyebrows at her choice of words. “He’s been cheating on you.”

“Well, if you keep your slutty little hands off him, that will no longer be a problem. Will it?”

I shake my head, hitching my tote higher on my shoulder. “It’s your funeral, babe. Personally, I’d run a mile, but you do you.” I turn around and walk back towards my home, hoping she didn’t see the hurt etched on my face.

A text from Colt comes through as I reach my building, asking where I am.

“Not coming.” Is all I punch out on the keypad before dragging myself up the stairs, feeling heavy and sore. I open the door to my room, relieved to find it empty. Taylor must be out at a party.

I throw my bag onto my bed and walk over to my mirror. My face has angry red scratch marks on it and my hair’s a mess, but other than that, I’m okay. It should all disappear by the morning. My elbow is stinging and I notice that it’s bleeding. I must have grazed it on the concrete when that jerk threw me down. I’m pissed at myself for not seeing it coming.

I sit heavily on my bed, ignoring the alerts of incoming text messages on my phone. It’s probably Colt, asking why I’ve changed my mind. As much as I believe in confrontation, I no longer want to talk to him about it. I have all the information I need.