I let my hand fall from his arm. I was hoping Chase was confused or there was a mixup. But if he actually knows Colt and his girlfriend? That’s harder to explain away. I try not to let the bitter disappointment show on my face, but I must be failing because Chase curls his fists into balls by his side.

“Take me to his dorm,” he growls. “I’m going to sort this asshole out.”

“Thanks for wanting to stand up for me, but I hate that shit.” My tone conveys that I’m not to be messed with. Fuck Colt Salter. He’ll regret the day he met me by the time I’m through with him. But it’s my battle, not Chase’s. “Go home and sleep it off. I’ll take care of this myself.”

“Sassy, let me–”

“Go home, Chase.”

He can hear by my voice that there’s no point trying to fight me. Finally, he nods. We may have only been fuck buddies, but he understands me well enough to know that I’m no damsel waiting to be saved. It’s everyone else who needs to be saved from me.



Istay hidden around the corner of my dorm hallway until I’m sure Chase has walked away from my building. He insisted on walking me to my door, and I let him because, as stubborn as I can be, Chase matches me. It was probably part of our mutual attraction when we met, but also why we’d never work as a couple. Chase is being protective by walking me home, which I appreciate and it’s a nice quality that some other girl will enjoy one day. But truth be told, I could probably fight off an attacker better than he could, anyway. Especially when he’s as drunk as he is right now.

My plan to stay home tonight changed the second Chase told me about Colt’s girlfriend. There’s no way I can sleep before confronting him about it. I’m sure there’s a misunderstanding, and I’d like to clear it up.

I wait a few beats, then open the door and peer out. Chase is disappearing around the corner at the end of the road, headed for his apartment. I shoot off a quick text to Colt to confirm he’s at home. I don’t elaborate, because the best way to get the truth from someone is through the element of surprise. If I give him a heads up that somethings wrong, it gives him time to get the lies ready before I arrive. I walk as quick as I can to his house while still lugging my heavy tote. I had considered running it upstairs when I was waiting for Chase to disappear, but if Taylor’s at home, I’d have to answer too many questions. And my shoes are too expensive to leave the bag hidden in the lobby.

Colt’s house comes into view and I notice someone walking down his pathway and onto the sidewalk. I can’t see her properly in the dark, but something about her is very familiar. She turns and walks in my direction. As we draw close to each other, my breath catches slightly in my throat when I finally recognise who it is. I stop walking right as she looks up. Recognition flashes across her face, too.

“You’re the bitch who threw a beer over me.” I scowl. I wait for her to say something nasty, but she surprises me by smiling sweetly.

“I’ve been wanting to apologise to you,” she says and I’m taken off-guard. “I hope Colt told you how sorry I am.”

“No, he didn’t. But he told me what a psycho you are.” I’m not letting her sweet girl act fool me. A flash of annoyance crosses her face, but then she pulls herself together.

“Okay, that’s fair.” She nods. “I shouldn’t have done that to you when it was him I was mad at. We were on a break, and he was using you to make me jealous. I guess it worked.” She shrugs and smiles sheepishly at me.

“A break?” I scoff. “From what? A one-night stand?”

“Is that what he told you?” Her smile wavers slightly. “I guess he was hurt and lashing out. Anyway, I’m Dani. And you’re … Sassy, right?” She holds out a hand, but I just look at her, then cross my arms over my chest. I don’t understand what she’s saying, but I also don’t have time for this.

“Listen, Dani, I’m not keen for a girly catch up right now. I’m here to see Colt, so if you’ll excuse me …” I go to step around her, but her next words stop me.

“Colt’s a bit worn out right now. We’ve been, um,” she ducks her head, trying to act coy even though what she’s trying to imply is as subtle as a brick over the head. “You know. Anyway, he’s exhausted, so maybe you should come back tomorrow?”

I watch her face, trying to work out if she’s lying. She doesn’t seem to be, and now that I’m taking notice, her hair at the back is a bit mussed up as though she’s been freshly fucked.

“He wasn’t asleep ten minutes ago when I texted to let him know I’m coming over.” I say evenly.

“Wait. You just texted him? And said that you’re coming over?”

“That’s what I said. Are you hard of hearing?”

“Oh my God,” she whispers, her face falling. What the fuck is happening here?

“So that’s why he made me leave so quickly.”

An alarm goes off in my head. I still believe there’s been a misunderstanding, but I can’t stop the hairs on the back of my neck from standing on end.

“What do you mean?” I ask, trying to keep the edge off my voice. I don’t want to scare the girl away. She needs to give me some information first.

“We were lying in bed when he got a text. Then suddenly he got really edgy, then told me he was super tired and could I please leave? Oh my God,” her hand goes to her mouth. “Are you sleeping with him?”

By now, I’m speechless. This girl isn’t making this shit up. She looks genuinely hurt. And I just saw her leaving his house. My stomach does a small roll, my confusion making me frown.