“Yeah, but you didn’t mean that. You say that shit all the time!” He’s laughing at me now.

“Yes, but this time I mean it.”

“Come on, don’t you want to release a bit of tension after a hard night at work?” He tries to pull me back into a hug, but I step away from him.

“No. I just want to be friends. No benefits.”

“But we’re so good together.” He looks a bit hurt beneath the drunkenness.

“We were never together, Chase. We just fucked. That’s all.” My patience is slipping. He knows that’s all it was. We’d do our own thing all night, then send a booty call at 3am. Sure, we’re great in the bedroom together. We’ve got chemistry, and we understand each other’s desires. But that’s all it was. A good lay. He’s trying to romanticise something that was never there.

“Okay, we just fucked.” He admits. “Can we ‘just fuck’ again now? You gave me a raging boner with your dances tonight. What am I meant to do with it?” He grins cheekily. He’s messing with me. Partially.

“You know exactly what to do with it. God gave you hands for a reason. Can I have my tote, please?”

I hold my hand out for my bag, but again he doesn’t give it to me. Instead, he lifts my open palm to his mouth and kisses it softly. And I must give him credit because that move would have worked before. But things are different now.

I place the hand that he just kissed gently on his chest. I hate saying these next words out loud, because I’ve been running away from commitment forever. But I can’t deny it.

“I’m seeing someone.” I say, watching his face. Confusion flashes across it.

“You have a boyfriend?”

“No. Kind of. I mean … it’s new. But yeah, I’ve been hanging out with someone.”


“His name is Colt.” I can’t help the small smile that lifts the corner of my mouth when I say his name. Fuck me, when did I become so lame?

“Colt Salter?”

“Yeah, how do you know him?” I’m surprised.

Chase lets out a loud bark of laughter.

“Sexy Sassy Bennett and strait-laced Colt Salter? I’m not buying it.”

“He’s not as straight as he seems.” I say, more defensively than I mean to.

“Well, I guess he must have a bad side to him if he’s seeing you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Colt’s girlfriend. If he’s fucking you on the side, then yeah, he’s not such a stand-up guy after all.”

My stomach drops. What is he talking about?

“He doesn’t have a girlfriend,” I say, lifting my chin. But my voice doesn’t come across as confident as I hoped.

“Wait, you didn’t know?” Chase’s smile disappears, and he tries to focus properly on my face through the fog of alcohol. “You thought he was single?”

“He is single.” I say quietly, but now I’m wondering. I never explicitly asked if he was seeing someone. Why would I? Don’t people offer that information without needing to be asked?

“That motherfucker.” The amusement on his face turns to anger. “If he’s being dirty on you Sassy, I swear to God, I’ll fuck him up.”

“Chase,” I say firmly, needing him to focus. “I can handle this myself. But why do you think he’s got a girlfriend?”

“Because I know her,” Chase says, his eyes still flashing.