“Greta House is having their party tonight, remember? You’re still coming, right?”

Ugh. I had forgotten all about the frat party and it’s the last thing I feel like doing. Although, it’s exactly what I need right now. Plus, I promised Tay I’d go with her.

“Yeah, just give me a few minutes to take a shower.” I stand up and grab the clean clothes I pulled out of the drawer earlier. Taylor shakes her head at me.

“Lucky you aren’t trying to get out of coming.” She says.

I blow her a kiss and walk out the door to the communal bathroom.

Taylor hands me another beer and then stumbles a bit on the grass.

“Lightweight,” I tease.

“Shut up,” she laughs, and straightens herself up.

It’s an ongoing joke with us. She’s never been able to hold her alcohol, even after years of partying on campus. We’ve been at Greta House for two hours and although I’m nicely buzzed, I swear Taylor is edging towards being cut off.

My roommate and I are polar opposites in every way. She’s a bright, bubbly blonde who would be at home in a cheerleading outfit. While I’m more of the dark, snippy type who wouldn’t know how to pep up a team if I received written instructions for it. Yet our distinct differences seem to work for us. We became fast friends from the moment they matched us as dorm buddies two years ago.

We’re standing with some girls who are in Taylor’s course. The party is in full swing. They’ve decorated the backyard with strings of lights, tiki torches and keg stations. Music is blasting from large speakers in the corner. This party will last until the morning.

“Ohmigod,” Taylor hisses, clutching my arm. “There he is.”

I follow her gaze across the yard to see Chase has entered the party. I groan beneath my breath.

“How can you turn that down, Sass?” Taylor is practically drooling. “He’s so hot.”

“If I was sleeping with him, I’d never leave his bed.” Belle chimes in, and I swear she’s biting her lip as she watches him.

“Settle down, ladies,” I answer, rolling my eyes at them. “Yes, he’s nice to look at, but that makes no difference. I don’t want anything serious. With anyone.”

“Really?” Taylor raises an eyebrow as something else across the yard catches her eye. “Does that go for every hot guy?”

“Of course,” I say and take a sip of my beer. I’m ready for this conversation to be over.

“Even that one?” Taylor nods her head towards whatever has taken her attention. I follow her gaze and see another group of guys have entered the party. Although there are four guys, I can tell straight away which one she’s referring to. The one in the middle is quite possibly the hottest guy I’ve laid my eyes on. Just looking at him almost makes me regret my decision to swear off men. Not that I’d ever admit that out loud to Taylor.

“Yep, even that one.” I say in a neutral voice, and then I change the subject.



“Damn,” Kobe whistles as we enter the backyard party. “Greta House knows how to put on a show. Why haven’t we been here before?”

“Blame Dev, he should’ve scored an invite years ago.” Teddy answers.

“Hey, at least I got us invited now. You chumps still wouldn’t know about it if it weren’t for me.” Devon defends himself. “Let’s go find the beer.”

After grabbing ourselves a beer from the keg, we settle into some empty chairs in a corner of the yard. I watch the party, taking in all the people dancing on the grass. From the corner of my eye I see Kobe wince when he takes a swig from his beer.

“Too hungover to drink?” I try not to laugh.

“Nah,” Kobe clears his throat. “Never. The best remedy for a hangover is to drink through it.”

“You gonna hook up with Dani tonight?” Teddy asks from my other side.

“No way,” I answer and take a drink of my beer.