“Yep,” Kobe laughs. “Give a guy some pussy and no one sees him again. Fair enough, mate. I can think of worse places to get lost.”

“It’s not like that,” I growl. I don’t mean to sound snappy, but I don’t like them talking about her like that.

“Protecting his lady. Uh oh. This sounds serious, guys.” Kobe looks at the others, his eyebrows raised.

“It does.” Teddy watches me closely. “Spill it Salter.”

I shake my head at them. I’ve never been one to talk about the chicks I’m sleeping with. But someone I’m starting to really like? I’m even less likely to give them any dirt. Of course, when I don’t speak up, the boys start to whoop and holler more, pelting food at me.

“Fuck off,” I laugh good-naturedly at their ribbing. I flick some stray salami off my shoulder. “You freaks are acting like none of us has had a girlfriend before.”

“So she’s your girlfriend, then?” Dev asks.

“I don’t know,” I shrug. “I mean, we haven’t had a conversation about it or anything.”

“But you’ve banged her?” Kobe leans forward, always wanting the details. A smile lifts the corner of my mouth, but I stay quiet.

The boys all erupt into a loud cheer again.

“Holy shit, guys, I reckon our man has gone and fallen in love.” Teddy laughs.

“Quit it.” I pick up one of the stray chunks of bread they threw at me earlier and peg it back at him, hitting him squarely on the forehead.

“I’m not in love. But I do really like her.” I admit. “And we’re having fun hanging out.”

“Just don’t forget about your friends,” Kobe clutches at his heart, pretending to be wounded.

“What’s this about Colt being in love?”

We all whip our heads around at the sound of Dani’s voice. Where did she come from? She’s materialised at the end of the table, one hand on her hip and a smile on her face. But the smile doesn’t reach her eyes and I can tell that although she’s trying to act casual, she’s pissed off.

“Hey, Dani,” I say, ignoring her question. The less she knows, the better.

“Colt has a girlfriend, and he’s head over heels in love,” Kobe fills in, acting innocent. I know he’s doing it just to mess with her and glare at him. I don’t think he knows she tipped a beer over Sassy’s head the last time I saw her.

“I don’t …” I go to clear it up, but then I glance at Dani again. Maybe it’s for the best if she thinks we’re together. “I’m seeing someone. But it’s new.”

“Do tell.” She says in a singsong voice. “Who’s the lucky lady Colt?”

“Sassy Bennett.”

“Weird name,” she twists her mouth in a smirk. “Haven’t heard of her.”

“Well, you’ve met her. In fact, you dumped an entire beer over her.”

Dani titters in what is probably supposed to sound like a carefree laugh, but comes across as forced.

“Oh, that tart.” She says and the boys make catcall noises to each other.

“That’s enough, Dani.”

“I’m just saying, she doesn’t seem like a one-man kind of girl, if you know what I mean.”

“The entire world knows what you mean. Subtlety isn’t your strong suit.” I stand up, clenching my jaw, and look her in the eye. I won’t stay here while this girl says rude shit about Sassy to me.

“You know nothing about Sassy, so don’t let me hear you say her name ever again.”

“Come on, Colt, don’t be like that,” Dani calls out to me as I walk off, but I ignore her. I can’t stand being around her at the best of times, but for her to be ragging on Sassy makes my blood boil. It will piss the boys off that I’ve walked away, especially after trying to say that I don’t hang out with them anymore, but I can’t be near Dani, or I’ll end up losing my shit. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I dial Sassy’s number. I’d prefer to be spending time with her than sitting at that bench any day.