The girls are glamorous and the men are built like security guards. When they see Sassy, they welcome her loudly, and someone throws her arms around her in a giant hug. I’m surprised when Sassy doesn’t push her off, seeing as she’s so prickly to everyone else. When the girl pulls back from the hug, I recognise her as the one Sassy kissed on stage that night. She smiles widely at me, looking amused at a joke I clearly don’t get.

“Wait a minute, are you here with Sassy?”

“This is Colt,” Sassy makes the introductions. “Colt, this is Violet. You’d remember her as Vixen.”

Violet grabs my hand and pulls me closer to kiss me on the cheek in greeting. She smells of lavender and tequila.

“Never did I ever expect to see Sassy turn up with someone.” She looks between us, clearly assuming this is more than whatever it is.

“We work together.” Sassy says firmly.

“Mhm,” Violet’s eyes are dancing. “Come on, let’s have a shot.”

I follow the girls to the table and take one of the tequila shots. Violet shouts out a countdown and we all slam the drink down. A waiter appears and places a tray of drinks on the table. Sassy hands me one and as I take a sip, I recognise it’s another vodka. Tonight could get messy.

I’m introduced to the rest of the group, which is mostly dancers and security from The Nest. Sassy and I settle in with them. Every once in a while, someone will shout out ‘tequila!’ And we’ll all take a shot.

A few drinks later, I find myself lounging on the cushions, sharing the shisha pipe with some of the girls. They’ve chosen apple flavour, the sweet smoke curling into the air. Sassy is chatting with Violet on the other side of the low table. Occasionally, she glances in my direction and returns my smile. She seems relaxed here, with her friends from The Nest. Like she can be herself, with no walls built up around her.

“So, are you and Sassy an item?” The girl closest to me asks, blowing out a long stream of smoke. I think she said her name was Tully.

“No,” I hesitate. It feels like we are, but I imagine Sassy doesn’t like to label things. “We hang out a bit. Go to the beach and stuff.” I glance over at Sassy as I say this last part and she catches my eye, a smile lifting the corners of her mouth ever so slightly. It’s a smile just for me, a secret between us, and something about it warms my insides.

Tully catches our look and laughs softly. “Something tells me you aren’t just friends.”

I glance at Tully and open my mouth. But then I close it again. I don’t mind if Sassy’s work friends think we’re together. Let her be the one to deny it.

“Be careful with her,” Tully continues, her face growing serious for a moment. “Our girl likes to put on a tough act, but I know she’s vulnerable underneath.”

I watch her for a beat, appreciating that Sassy has people in her life looking out for her.

“Of course.” I say, looking at Sassy, who has thrown her head back in laughter at something Violet has said. “But if I’m honest, I think it’s more likely me who could end up heart-broken here.”

Tully peers at me closely, and then a wide grin takes over her face. She nods, as though approving what I’ve said, and gets up to go find the bathroom.

A moment later, Sassy moves into the space that Tully just vacated.

“What were you two talking about?” She frowns at me, but there’s a sparkle in her eyes.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I tease. Sassy reaches past me for the shisha pipe, her arm brushing mine, her skin warm against my skin. She pulls the pipe back towards her and I watch her lift it to her mouth, her perfect lips pressed lightly on the edge, as she inhales. Bold from the many tequila shots and drinks of vodka, I move my hand to her thigh. Her short skirt is even shorter now that she’s practically sitting on the ground with me, and my mind wanders to what’s underneath.

Lounging on these soft cushions, the low lighting and the way she looks makes me wish desperately we weren’t in the middle of a club right now. I wish I could lay her down and unwrap her like a gift. My fingers squeeze the flesh on her thigh lightly, and she doesn’t push my hand away like I expected her to.

“Having fun?” She asks as she exhales. My gaze drops to her mouth, watching the long wisps of smoke curl away and disappear.

“Yeah,” I answer. “I like your friends.”

She smiles and looks around at the rowdy bunch dotted around us. “They’re a solid crew.” She agrees. “I’m glad you came tonight.”

“I’m glad that you’re glad.” We look at each other, my hand still on her thigh. There’s something in her eye that I can’t quite place. Like she has decided on something. But someone appears next to her and the spell I was under breaks. A guy I’ve never seen before thumps down onto the cushion next to Sassy. He’s slim, with dirty blonde hair pulled back into a low man-bun and tattoos running down the length of both arms.

“Sassy, how are you, babe?” He pulls her in for a hug, and when he pulls away, he leaves one arm around her shoulders. His fingers are brushing her shoulder, his wrist weighed down with thick gold chains. He notices my hand on Sassy’s thigh and looks at me for the first time. His eyes have an unmistakable glint of danger in them.

“Laying claim to the un-claimable?” He asks lightly, but I can hear the challenge in his voice. I have a sudden urge to punch this guy.

“I’m not an object for claiming,” Sassy scowls as she pushes his arm off her shoulders. She clearly doesn’t like him. Good. I move my hand from her leg. Not for this mans sake, but because I don’t want to stifle her.

“So feisty, Sassy. Someone will tame you one day.” He leers and it’s obvious he’s hoping that he’s going to be that someone.