“I warned you this was the last time, and I wasn’t joking.” I pull my tank top over my head.

“You warned me, then followed it up by riding my dick for a second time.” Chase props himself up on his elbows, his naked body still on display in all its glory.

“That still counts as one time. You know the rules.” I pull my skirt up and fasten it at the waist.

“Rules?” Chase scoffs. “There are no rules here. Unless you count the one where you’re always in charge of the show.”

“That’s the most important one.” I shrug. In my life, I’m in charge inside and outside of the bedroom. A leopard can’t change its spots.

“See you around.” I go to leave.

“What? Next time you’re horny?”

“Chase,” I sigh and turn back to him. “No more for a while, okay? I’m not joking.”

“Okay, okay,” Chase concedes defeat and falls back onto his bed as I walk out.

I arrive back to my shared dorm room and find Taylor getting ready to go out.

“Where have you been?” She asks as she applies eyeliner, looking in the small mirror propped up on her desk.

“Nowhere special,” I say as I throw my satchel onto my bed. Taylor stops applying her makeup, and swings around in her seat to face me.

“You’ve been sleeping with Chase again, haven’t you?” She accuses, mirth lifting the corners of her mouth. “I knew you couldn’t stay away from him, no matter how much you keep saying you’re not going back.”

“Have not,” I mutter, avoiding eye contact as I rummage around my drawer for some clean clothes.

“Liar. You have freshly fucked hair. Anyone can see it.” Taylor smirks and goes back to applying her eyeliner.

My hand goes to my hair, that’s jet black up top with purple ends, and I smooth it down. “Well, that was the last time. For real.”

Taylor laughs. “Why do you keep lying to yourself, Sassy?”

“It’s not a lie this time. I have to stop.” I fall down onto my bed. “He keeps wanting to hang out and do date-type stuff. I’m worried he’s catching feelings and will ruin it all.”

Taylor’s eyes meet mine in her mirror. “And would that be so bad?” Her voice is cautious. “I know you don’t want a boyfriend, but Chase is such a catch, you’d be kinda mad to not go there.”

“You’re just saying that because he’s rich,” I scoff, thinking of the huge penthouse apartment I was just in.

“I’m saying it because he’s hot. But yes,” Taylor shrugs. “It doesn’t hurt that he’s, like, the only dude on campus with a private plane.”

“You’re welcome to ask him out if you think he’s such a catch.” I grumble and pick up a cushion and hug it to my chest.

“Pfft, he’s only got eyes for you. Anyone can see that.”

“He does not,” I say. Then I grimace. “Do you really think that?”

“Yep.” Taylor puts the eyeliner back in her makeup bag and inspects her work in the mirror.

“We had a pact. Sex only. Why do they always ruin it?” I moan.

Taylor pulls her mascara wand out. “You sound like a dude. Usually, it’s the girl who wants more, and it’s the guy who’s running a mile. Such a bad girl, Sassy.” She winks at me and starts swiping mascara onto her lashes.

Taylor’s right. I avoid relationships like the plague, but there’s a reason. I might be a bad girl, but not the type that Taylor means when she teases me. I’m more like ‘rotten apple’ kind of bad. The kind of bad that makes people eventually run away, leaving me as the one with the broken heart. I stare up at the ceiling. I’d avoid boys altogether if I didn’t enjoy sex so much. If it didn’t bring me such relief. And Chase is so damn good at it. It’s such a shame I have to cut him off.

“It’s easier this way.” I sit up and swing my legs off the side of the bed. “Where are you off to?”

I’m changing the subject and Taylor knows it. But lucky for me, she also knows when to drop things. If I don’t want to talk about something, nothing can change my mind.