Page 56 of Shadow of the Crown

Doubt it. She seems like the type of fae that even her own house would be glad to be rid of.

Then, I picture her the day I was tossed out of the castle in disgrace, and I remember exactly why she unleashed that hell on my life. “You might be important, but you also seem very good at angering important people. Living on the edge and taking what doesn’t belong to you.”

Her big eyes widen. She opens her mouth, then closes it, before dropping her head.

I bet you don’t have anything more to say, bitch.

Maybe now I’ve said enough to get her off my back. I’ve got more than enough shit to deal with without having to watch my back around this horrid woman. Now, I just need to figure out the other two.Are they friends or foes?

I turn to Lady Nova. “Is that why you’re here, too? To support her when she’s clearly pissed that I got all four princes, and she got stuck with herself, adreadfulconsolation prize?”

Lady Nova lowers her head and speaks just above a whisper. “I just don’t want war.”

“I don’t plan for war,” I tell her honestly.

War is the furthest thing from my mind. I’m trying to save my own ass. To see if there’s some loophole that will get me out of marrying all four princes, and still allow my family to enjoy the good life. War isn’t even on the radar.

“No one plans for war,” she tells me, cocking her head. “But it seems that you’ll be the deciding factor between peace and bloodshed for our people.”

“Me?” I ask in shock.

She stands up taller, meeting my gaze. “Do you know the tale of Queen Icily?”

I shake my head.Should I?

“Queen Ellie was matched with all four princes.” She pauses, lifting a brow as if to tell me,just like you. “It is said that she was a vain but beautiful woman, unprepared for ruling. She saw the role of queen as a way to have the finest things, and wield her influence over the courts and houses like a weapon. Instead of fostering the relationships between the four princes, she pitted them against each other. She showed some more love, some more attention, and some more affection than others. This bred jealousy and resentment between the four kings and even as war ravaged our lands, she continued to see nothing wrong with what she was doing. She, quite simply, didn’t care that she was the cause of war, death, and destruction.

“A queen who matches with all four princes is meant to be strong, powerful, and intelligent enough to understand that her job may be to rule the kingdom, along with her husbands, but equally important is her role to foster peace between the four kings. Queen Ellie did not understand that.” She finishes abruptly, then stares at me.

I hate that this is the first time I’m hearing about any of this, and it hits me like a punch to the gut. If I marry the four princes, I don’t just need to keep my secret and play a wife to them. I need to… preventwar. My job is to maintain a happy relationship between me and my men,andeach other.

Everyone is staring at me, so I try to hide the fact that my stomach is churning and put on a brave face. “So all of this is to say…?”

Lady Nova considers me for a moment, then says, “I’m from the House of War. My people will suffer more than any other house if there’s war. I just wanted to see the woman that will determine our fate and decide if you understand how powerful your position is. And see if you’re ready for such a role.”

I draw myself up taller. “Have you come to a conclusion?”

Her eyes narrow, and she nods.

But before she can answer, Lady Takara jumps in, “None of this really matters. Before we even talk about wars and her role as queen, we have to wait for the elders to conduct the test.” And she looks so damn smug that I want to rip her hair out.

Unfortunately for me, I have no idea what she’s talking about. I don’t even know enough to determine whether she’s lying through her teeth, or if I should take what she’s saying seriously.

But I guess I have to find out.

“What test?” I feign nonchalance, like it slipped my mind.

No one said anything about a test. Just like no one told me, my family was moving into the castle today. If I do become queen, I’m changing the way they send out information because there’s no system now, and it is infuriating.

“It’s the test that will determine your fae heritage. Afterward, everyone will know what house you come from.” She smiles widely, like she knows my secret rather than the other way around.

Lady Starlite is suddenly in front of me. She places her hands on my shoulders, and our eyes meet and hold. “Don’t worry about the test, my lady. Three of the five planets were aligned on the day of your meeting, one star ceased to exist the moment you touched Prince Sulien, another fell from the sky just after. The solar system was awake, breathing, watching. Your bond will be like no bond before it. Your rule will be one filled with love, prosperity, and change. The test means nothing because the stars and planets have already said it all.”

I glance at Lady Nova.

She shrugs and says, “I don’t care what the stars or the test say, all I care about is what you do.”

Fucking hell.“So… the test will really–?”