“Who do you trust, Forrest?” He stares, and I say nothing. “Your father? Your mother? Your friends?”
I draw myself up taller. “There are few people I trust less than my parents.”
“You and me both,” he says, almost as if he’s surprised.
Interesting.“And I wouldn’t say I have friends, in the technical sense.”
“But you could, right?” He lifts a brow. “If you tried. With us. I mean, we’re going to be living together, sharing a woman together, and building a family together… So shouldn’t we try to be friends?”
I’ve got a philosopher on my hands, but damn, he’s right again. Friendship isn’t something the Fall Court’s known for. We don’t have balls or parties with glitter and fucking pretty drinks. There’s no hanging out with buddies. We do two things well: hunting and fighting. We survive.
I’m surprised with everything I’ve heard about the Winter Court that Zane doesn't understand that about me. They work hard to survive too.Actually, it’s their humans who do the hard work.I think back to what Cassia said earlier about surviving and never having time to dream. Maybe Zane doesn’t understand my position as much as I might have thought.
I crack my neck, square off, then remember that we’re talking and not fighting. “Look, I’ve been an arrogant asshole. It’s a part of who I am, but it’s something I’m working on. Regardless, you’re right. We’re going to be sharing a stubborn mate, who I think hates all of us, so we can’t keep things the way they are.”
Zane nods, thoughtfully.
“We can start over and be a united front.” I continue, believing the words more with each one that’s spoken. “We can’t hate each other and expect our mate to find a way to love us.”
The four courts have always tolerated one another. Never before have we had to work together on a deep enough level to share a mate. That’s why the Celestial Equilibrium lay uninhabited.
Cassia’s going to change all of that for us. Because of her, we have to do more than tolerate each other, or we’ll never have a happy wife or a happy family.Maybe she’s what we need to bring our kingdom together.The last time all four fae princes shared a mate, war broke out. Maybe this time, peace will reign.
Zane sighs. “I’m willing to give, I think.” He doesn’t seem confident, but it’s something.
I hesitate, then blurt out, “I saw her today.”
The information feels important, like something that might help us bond. If I’m going to try to trust these men, I might as well start today. No matter how uncomfortable the whole thing makes me.
But Zane simply raises his eyebrows and waits for me to continue.
Okay, I can open up. I can share. This is normal and not weird as fuck at all.“The castle sent fae servants to move her family out of their home and into the castle. After they left and she was alone, I appeared and went into her house.”Afterwatching her for a bit, so I could arrange a moment for us to talk alone, but I don’t say that.
Zane listens intently, but I swear I see jealousy flicker in his eyes.
“Her home was… tiny, old, and rundown. Not at all the kind of place I imagined for our beautiful mate.”
Truth be told, it bothered me, but not as much as her comments about not having enough to eat. My people often preferred to sleep under the stars rather than beneath a roof, but no one went hungry. No one. Each person played a role in our society, in our hunting, and our feasting, so everyone ate. The fact that she knew hunger made me want to beat the shit out of Sulien and the rest of his dickhead Summer Fae.
“And what happened? How… was she? Was she anymore open to the idea of marrying the four of us?” Zane sounds desperately curious, which is surprising, the man seldom showed any emotions at all.
“She told me flat out that she doesn’t want this. That she doesn’t want us.” It’s somehow even more depressing to say the words out loud.
Zane sighs and nods, rubbing the back of his neck. “I got that sense, too.”
I hesitate, then push on. “What do you think will finally win her over?”
He takes so long to answer that I almost think he won’t. “You’re right about us needing to work together. We can be charming as hell, individually, but it doesn’t seem to be enough with Cassia. We need the full power of the four of us to show her a life that she’ll enjoy. We need her to see what all the other fae women see, which will require teamwork.”
“Teamwork. I like that. It’s better than no plan.”
He nods. “And I know Cobar and Sulien will be on board. Sulien’s been sulking in his room all morning over her, and Cobar’s been ordering new clothes in hopes of impressing her, along with having jewelry made to gift to her. I don’t think he can get his pants any tighter, but by the gods, he’s trying. Now, we need to combine our efforts and win her over.”
I grin, feeling better. Working as a team might just get her to love usandbuild great relationships all around.Hell, I’ve always wanted a wife. But just as much, I’ve always wanted real friends.
This might be the beginning of the happier life I’ve always wanted. The one where I feel safe. Where my nights aren’t plagued with nightmares. Where someone loves and cares about me.
At least, I hope.