Page 40 of Shadow of the Crown

Did we really make an agreement that this whole thing was a business deal? My body kind of regrets that now.

One handsome fae I might be willing to handle. Unfortunately, this little situation involves me handlingfourof them. Not just four of them, but their dicks, too. Which makes me feel more like I’ve chosen a different kind of whorehouse to pay the bills, and I don’t like feeling like a whore.

I’m an adventurous girl, but that’s too many, even for me. At least, I think it is. A picture starts to form in my head, and I jerk my focus back to the man in front of me, feeling my cheeks heat.

“So, are we going to talk about this mess we’re in?”

He stands a little straighter, regarding me with an expression so blank that it pisses me off. He can’t be surprised that this is a crazy, upsetting situation. If he thought it was normal, he wouldn’t have asked me to come to his room. Or am I the crazy one?

Nope, it’s him. Definitely him.

But the asshole says nothing, just stares at me in response.He’s going to make me do all the talking, isn’t he? Even thoughhecalled me in here, andhescrewed everything up.

“That’s why I’m here, right?” I snap. “To discuss what happened and how to get out of this?”

He’s still quiet, and it makes me even angrier. I know he’s not big on conversation, but this situation requires an immediate discussion. He needs to be talking and telling me exactly why this happened. He needs to be laying out the steps to fix it, not staring at me like a moron.

I agreed to marry him. That’s it. Not a whole handful of horny fae.

“None of this was a part of our deal,” I prod him, although I know he already knows.

He gives me nothing.Nothing. At. All.

I take a deep breath and slowly release it, hoping it calms the storm brewing inside of me. This evening went wrong from the moment I stepped into the ballroom and didn’t spot him immediately. I should’ve just left then.

Geez. Pity party for one, anyone?

No, I did this for a reason. For my family. Being queen is better than being a whore. I have to remember that, but I’m truly not at a place where I believe my only choice is to play wife to four fae. Or trick three men into thinking I’m their mate, and taking their true mate away. I can’t be expected to smile, talk, and play the part of a woman bound to four fae, when I’m terrified to even play the part to one.

Surely, at some point, someone will figure out the truth. I can’t lie like this to men I’m married to, can I? And what about children? As a human, it’ll be nearly impossible to become pregnant. Will the four courts be left with nothing but bastard kids from whatever women my horny husbands are running around with?

Who will become the next set of rulers?

When he still doesn’t speak, I decide to try a different tactic. “How did the spell go so wrong? Did you use too much of the potion?” I stare at him, trying to look less aggressive.Maybe he’ll respond to that?

His gaze shifts, but I still can’t tell what he’s thinking. “No.”

My freaking eye twitches. “No, what?”

He shrugs. “Things changed.” Then, he looks just beyond me out the window into the darkness of the night, like his answer ends the conversation.

“Then change them back. You’re the fucking king.” Apparently, my plan to try not to be aggressive has gone out the window.

“I won’t be the king until I marry you. None of us will be.” He holds my gaze, something in his eyes I can’t decipher.

Does he really expect me to care that he can’t be king without me? That’s the least of my problems right now.“That sounds like a royal fae problem, not a former maid problem.”

“I wasn’t implying it was your problem,” he says, lifting a brow. “Just that I’m not yet king.”

Fine, he technically didn’t say that, but his words definitely implied it was something Ishouldcare about. Still, he doesn’t seem to be really getting the problem here. It’s as if this was all part of the plan, and I’m just some hysterical woman upset for no reason.

I take a step closer to him, glaring as he watches me. “I need an explanation. What happened? What went wrong?”

He shrugs his shoulders. “There’s nothing to explain. What’s done is done.”

What the actual fuck?

“Undo it!” I shout, taking another step closer. Demanding an answer I most certainly deserve.