Page 37 of Shadow of the Crown

Which means the woman must be the mate for me.

“Are you sure you don’t want to find a better way to pass the time?” Forrest asks, lifting his brows suggestively at Cassia.

A ball of jealousy forms in my stomach that I try to push away. Many fae have shared mates before. It’s said that when the bride is found, the men unite too, creating a bond unlike any other friendship. I can easily imagine that happening with Sulien and Zane, but Forrest? Not so much. The man is irritating at best, so watching him with my mate won’t be easy.

Luckily, she’s not falling all over him. “I would sooner walk on hot coals.”

He laughs again, but I enjoy the confusion on his face. Forrest might talk a big game, but he’s the worst in our group with women in general. Most Fall Fae spend their time fighting, hunting, and drinking. They’re like big drunken fools clumsily trying to attract their women. He lacks the grace of the rest of us, and he knows it.

Leading to him not having a clue what to do with this woman.

“The elders will be fair,” Zane says, and I’m suddenly reminded of why we’re out here.

Of course, they’ll be fair. They can’t decide to give her to just one of us, she’s our mate. We’d die for her. We’d start wars for her. Which is exactly what they’re trying to avoid.

I do find myself a little concerned about what ideas they might have for preventing war. Last time this happened, I believe the bride remained with each mate for a season. A decision that ended in tragedy.

My gut twists, and I glance at Cassia again. I don’t want to be a fool, but I won’t allow her to be gone from my side for so long, even if I have to argue with the elders. Sulien might be reluctant to challenge them, but I’m not, and I know Forrest and Zane feel the same given the way they’ve been looking at our mate.

“And what will the elders consider fair?” Cassia finally asks, and some of her bravado is gone.

Zane turns, so he’s facing her, and there’s sympathy in his pale eyes. It surprises me. Not that he’s sympathetic, Zane has a heart of gold, but that he’s allowing his feelings to show. He only does that with people he trusts, specifically Sulien and I. “If the elders say something you don’t like, we’ll take care of it. We’re your mates now, which means you’re our top priority.”

She smirks and looks at Forrest first and then me. I think when she realizes we agree with every word Zane spoke, whatever smart remark she had ready to go dies on her lips. We’re a group of idiots, but Zane’s right. We’ll die for our clever mate.

“They just better make their decision soon. I’m ready to go to bed with my mate,” Forrest says, and his tone is grumpy. Like the elders are theonlyreason he isn’t fucking Cassia right now.

“You’re kidding, right?”

I’m having a hard time not laughing at the way she scowls at the three of us. Worse fates exist than a night with a handsome fae prince. But I like that she doesn’t want to be forced into anything. That she didn’t hear the word “mate” and rushed to fall into our beds. She has her own mind, and, apparently, cares about more than being queen.

This marriage might prove to be better than I ever imagined.

Things will be different for Cassia, and our children than it was in my home with my parents.. Of that, I have no doubt.

Whatever the elders say, I won’t let her be taken from me even for a moment. If she’s like the last queen, with four mates, she’ll have four children, and one will rule my court, butallwill be mine. Four children who will always have their mother, fathers, and each other.

They’ll never be lonely.

It’s hard not to smile when I think about it.

“What’s so funny?” She asks, glaring at me.

“You won’t think it’s funny.” I shrug. But maybe one day the thoughtwillmake her smile too.

The doors beside us suddenly open, and we all stand. I might be willing to argue with the elders if they say something I disagree with, but I’ll still show them respect until then. None of us want another war on our hands, after all.

One of the elders of the Summer Court clears his throat. Beside him, Sulien stands silent, his face a mask of indifference, his favorite facial expression.

My body tenses. As much as we’ve teased Cassia, I’m nervous about what they’ll say, too. If they decide something stupid, fighting will begin between the courts, which is never fun. Especially when I’d much rather focus on my beautiful bride-to-be.

I guess I better hope they’re as smart as they’re supposed to be.

The elder clears his throat again, regarding us all.

Come on, old man, use your words.

And he finally does. “The four of you will wed Cassia in a fortnight.”