Page 33 of Shadow of the Crown

Prince Forrest grins. “Yourass does absolutely nothing for me.”

“Thank the gods for that!” Prince Cobar says, then throws back his head and laughs.

These two are pretty funny together. I know the princes rotate from palace to palace together every year as a way of keeping the peace between the courts, but I hadn’t actually thought about their relationship much… except for the dirty rumors I’ve heard.

Oh… the rumors…

“So you two have never…?” I point between them, unable to stop myself from voicing the ridiculous question. “Because there’s a lot of whispers about the fae princes.”

They stop short, forcing me to stop and look at them both. The men look absolutely shocked. So blown away that they seem to have lost the ability to talk, which makes me wickedly happy for reasons I don’t understand.

There! Let them be the uncomfortable, flustered ones.

Prince Forrest lifts a finger and shakes it like a scolding mother, with the most serious expression I’ve ever seen. “My lady, I haveneverdunked my pen in a manly inkwell.”

A laugh explodes from my lips. “Manly ink?”

His expression grows more serious. He walks toward me and takes my chin in his large hand, tilting me up, up, up to look into his brilliant green eyes. Making it impossible for me not to trace his scar with my gaze before returning to his eyes. “Many fae don’t care what, uh, hole they dip their pen into, but I prefer the feminine inkwell.”

I’m laughing again, and I can’t stop as he gazes down at me in horror.Feminine inkwell? What the fuck?

His serious expression slowly shifts, and then he’s smiling. Before I know what’s happening, he leans down and brushes his lips against mine. “There’s always going to be laughter in our home,” he whispers against my lips.

My humor is gone. I swallow hard and stagger back, and I’m relieved when he lets me go. But then, I’m bumping into someone else.

When I turn, Prince Cobar is there, smiling at me. His beautiful face is even lovelier when he smiles. “I took a moment to decide if I was offended by your question and decided that I wasn’t. I prefer the ladies as well, but therearesome awfully pretty fae men, so I understand why you might think otherwise. Prince Forrest included among those pretty men, of course.” Then he winks at the other man.

The Fall Fae’s cheeks turn bright red, nearly as red as his hair. “Watch it, Cobar, or I’m going to run you through with my sword.” But he doesn’t sound angry, just flustered.

Prince Cobar flutters his eyelashes. “My, my, you’re forward, Prince Forrest, but I’d prefer if you kept your sword to yourself,”

“Cobar…” he hisses, and I can’t tell how serious he’s being, but it’s amusing as hell.

“Though I reckon we’ll have to learn how to work our swords together if we’re going to properly run our bride through.” Prince Cobar leans his head to the side and cups his face while fluttering those long lashes again.

It’s hard not to laugh, even though they’re talking about sharing me in the bedroom. Something I haven’t agreed to. Hell, I truly figured the worst-case scenario would be me having to go from bed to bed with these princes. But all at once? That’s one fantasy better left in the imagination.

Prince Cobar spins to face me and takes my hand. “I swear, my lady, if Prince Forrest and I have to practice day and night until you’re ready for us in your bed, we will manage to make our cocks work in sync.”

“I am not practicing with you!” Prince Forrest roars, but he still looks more shocked than angry.

Prince Zane is suddenly beside our little group. “Prince Cobar, stop messing with him. We have more important things to worry about.” Then, he turns to me, his expression impossible to read. “Worry was the wrong word, my lady. You have nothing to worry about.”

He offers me his arm, and unsure what else to do, I reluctantly take it. Our pace is more brisk as we continue along, but I can hear the others scrambling to keep up with us.

“The elders simply want to weigh in since this is an unusual situation,” Prince Zane explains to me gently, patting my hand with his cold one.

Ah. Here, I sense I might actually get some answers.

“How unusual is it?” It’s a question I’ve been wondering since the spell went wrong. Apparently, my matching with four fae royals is believable, but strange enough to get the elders involved. Probably because there was a war the last time this happened according to the fae in the ballroom.

Which is more than a little scary.Way to add to the pressure.

Prince Zane sighs. “All the courts and houses have relationships where one woman shares more than one mate. It’s believed this is because there are fewer women than men among the fae, so if women aren’t shared, many men would be left without a mate.” It’s strange how much I like the sound of his voice. I thought it was as cold as the man at first, but it’s more musical. Deep, yet light at the same time. “Fae royals have had fewer shared mates. I believe four or five in history, but only once have I heard of one female being shared by all four royals.”

It’s hard to swallow around the lump in my throat. “So, this will cause problems?”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. Most fae have one child, but since it’s believed each male can only have one child, in situations like this, the woman often will have the same number of children as she has partners. That means there should still be one royal per family, which would be the number one concern.”