Page 25 of Shadow of the Crown

“You look better than I thought you would in that dress.” His hands shift on my waist, and I shiver.

“You thought about how I’d look in it?” I’m genuinely surprised.

We’re supposed to be conducting business. We have an arrangement. No strings attached. So who cares what his little human bride looks?

“I thought about it. A little,” he says, his voice deep and sexy. This feels flirty. Too flirty to be a deal we’re making. Too flirty for a marriage just for show.

Unless this is a show too.

My back arches as his hand slides further down my back and a sigh escapes my lips. I don’t know why I’m responding like this. Too many human women have fallen for the soft touches of the fae, only to be forgotten in the morning. I won’t be one of those women, even if I’ll be married to this fae.

Prince Sulien turns me on the dance floor, and I hear the women whispering. Something about how Prince Sulien never dances. My body tenses, but I try to relax. Time is ticking down. The magic hour will be upon us, and he’ll use his potion. This is all part of the plan.

So why doesn’t it feel like it?

He draws me in a little closer, and I look over his shoulder. There, drinks in hand, are the other fae princes, and they’re watching us. Their expressions are a mixture of annoyance, curiosity, and envy. Which I don’t understand.

I glance behind me to see if there’s anyone else they might be staring at, then back at them. Sure enough, they’re looking at me. Which makes absolutely no sense.

My heartbeat picks up, and I hate that I feel like tonight I got some small taste of each of them. I’m a woman with needs, but I’m not someone who ever falls for a pretty face. So, this weird connection to them bothers me more than I like.

I’mmarryingPrince Sulien. I won’t be cheating on him, so that means a lifetime with no sex and lots of masturbation. When I accepted this deal, I accepted that.So why is it that a lifetime without sex suddenly feels painful when I stare at them?

And they stare back.

I shiver, feeling my nipples harden as their gazes lock onto mine. Those three are dangerous. And no matter what happens moving forward, I’ll avoid them at all costs. I swear it.



As we finish our dance, the air starts to feel heavy with static. Everyone’s gazes shift up toward the lunar skylight, beyond the candles to the glass ceiling. The full moon is in its place, which means it’s time for the ritual. For the magic to unleash and reveal to the fae their chosen mates.

Some people keep dancing with their partners, but more and more women are breaking free and edging closer to the princes. And because they’re close to me, that means the women are squeezing in around us. It’s suffocating. Several times I fix my mask, praying it stays in place.

Praying I can do this.

My father, my grandmother, my ratty house with food for tonight, but none for tomorrow or any day after, are counting on me. Working as a whore or nothing else. My future depends upon this moment.

I’ve made my choice, and this is it. I just have to be brave enough to face it with my head held high.

Prince Cobar is near, taking every opportunity to touch all the women,whereverhe can get a grip. They fawn over him, squealing and giggling in his presence like he’ll grab their boob, and they will suddenly be queen. As I watch him smirking, his gaze collides with mine, and my breath rushes out. The look he gives me… it’s so damn possessive that I have to look away to ease the tension inside me.

Focus. He’s none of your concern. He’s busy with his women anyway, not that it matters to me.

I feel annoyed for reasons I don’t understand.This must be his favorite holiday.Well, I guess it’s technically his first time celebrating it, given his age, but I bet it’ll be his favorite holiday moving forward. The player.

Forrest and Zane stoically shake hands with the women as they approach. It’s formal. Almost like the fastest interview for a position I’ve ever seen. They’re not even interested in the women themselves, just whatever magic is supposed to show. Magic that will suddenly make them seem interested in a woman they previously didn’t give two shits about, I guess.

Only, that doesn’t seem to be enough for the women. Just as many that shake their hands are grabbing their arms, their chests, and even their asses. I would have thought the two men would enjoy the attention, but instead, they already seem tired by the whole affair. A prospect that makes me happier than I care to admit.

I know they’re not mine. I know the moment of attraction I felt with them means nothing, and that they have those kinds of moments with women a hundred times a day, but I still like the fact that they don’t seem to be enjoying being felt-up by a bunch of desperate women.

Zane jumps a little, and I’m pretty sure someone grabbed ahold of his cock. His expression grows colder, and I wonder if his skin is as cold as his mood.Shouldn’t he be happy? Couldn’t one of these women be his mate?

“The groping has commenced,” I attempt a laugh, looking in Sulien’s direction.

His gaze is locked on mine, his eyes dark and intense. “It’s all part of this shitty song and dance.”