So what the hell is this?
I stare up at him, craning my neck to look into his auburn eyes, taking him all in, my thoughts tangling together. “Why? Why would you want to do this?”
His expression becomes even more guarded if possible, his jaw tightening as he seems to choose his words with care. “I want to be king and rule the Summer Court. Nothing more. I don’t want the rituals and customs. I don’t want the ceremony. I don’t want a wife or children. I don’t want any of it.” He turns his gaze to the treetops. “I’d never touch you. I’d never hurt you. You’ll be my wife in public only. We will show up together at important events where the king and queen are expected. The marriage will be a convenience: you helping me and me helping you.”
I’m without words. This proposal makes no sense. I stare up at him, and his genuine countenance pulls at something inside of me. He’s desperate, I realize. But how can that be when this man could have anyone he wanted? He has to have a thousand other women he’d be better off asking.
Yet, if my life paths are currently divided. One being me working at a whorehouse. And the other being me as queen of the Summer Court, maybe I shouldn’t dismiss this insanity so quickly.
“How can a spell make it seem like we’re fated to be together? I know you’re a powerful fae, but I’ve never heard of anyone beingthatpowerful.”
“The spell will work,” he tells me simply. “That I have no doubt.”
“But I’m human,” I whisper, watching his face, wondering if anything I say will be something he hasn’t thought of. “No one will believe it. I don’t have any fae blood. Not a drop of it.”
“No one can ever truly know that they don’t have any… and even just a little fae blood can make a match. All the people of the courts need to believe is that you have just a little, and they will… because this spell is unlike anything anyone has ever seen before. As far as they know, no spell can do this, so they won’t even question our match.” His dark gaze intensifies, and my pulse quickens.
He wants an answer now, but I can’t give him that.
“Why don’t you want to find your real mate? Why lie to all the royal fae? To the whole world?” It’s a risky move. One that may end up with me being punished and nothing happening to him.
“I just don’t.” The bite in his voice lets me know this subject is off-limits.
But why? Why doesn’t he want a real mate? Why have me simply play the part?
“Look.” There’s just a touch of annoyance in his deep voice. Pleading, apparently, isn’t his strong suit. “Your father is sick. I went to your house first. I saw him. Those potions you’re spending so much money on are actually weakened. Whoever you’re getting them from is diluting their power. The first two or three doses should have cured him completely.”
“Dilluting the potions? You fae are sick bastards!” I shout, angry at everyone all at once.
I’ve been working myself to the bone for those potions, and they’ve been making them weaker on purpose? My father could have been doing better already, but those pieces of shit decided he wasn’t worth it? They were justfinewith my father suffering?
He looks unaffected by my reaction. “Agree to this, and your father and your grandmother will have a life they can’t even dream of. He’ll have a real cure.”
It all sounds too good to be true, which means it probably is.
When I just stare, he continues, “All three of you will spend your lives in luxury with anything you could want and more. And you and me… that will only be pretend. This question shouldn’t even be a question.”
There’s a desert in my throat.There’s really no logical reason to say no, so why can’t I say yes?
“There’s an outfit for the ball on your bed. If you show up tonight, I’ll know you agree, and we’ll be mated. If not, I’ll find my true mate and do what is required of me to be king.” He winces, then, and without another word, vanishes, leaving me alone again.
I let out a deep breath, and my thoughts become clearer.No one ever gives something for nothing. Ever. That’s not how life works. He wants me to be his queen, to live a life with nothing required of me.
If it sounds too good to be true, then that’s what it is.
He looked and sounded genuine, like he was telling me his truth, but I can’t help but wonder what the real truth is.Why marry a human when you can have your true mate? Why lie to everyone and accept a fake relationship?
The outside world is quiet as I continue my walk home, but my mind is a whirlwind of thoughts and questions and scenarios. I imagine what my life will be if I accept the prince’s proposal. Instead of cleaning the rooms of the palace for balls and parties, I’d be hosting them. A human in charge of the Summer Court palace. It’s unfathomable. It’s most people’s dream come true.
So why am I hesitating?
Can I really be Queen of the Summer Court, the most powerful human in the land ever, even though I’m the last person who deserves it? And do I even really have a choice? I let the thoughts simmer as I make my way through the woods, knowing that I need to pull it together and make a decision soon. Tonight.
I’m fucked.